Thursday, July 1, 2010


Well, my foot WAS doing better, but I spent most of the day swiping cobwebs (and their contents, ugh!) down from the ceiling of the garage, then doing a general cleaning and sweeping in there. The end result? Garage looks pretty good, but my foot has swollen right back up and I’m limping again. Going up and down the ladder is not recommended for healing.

Last night I was wandering around outside with my two doggies. Lucas, my neighbor's young female wolf-husky came to join us. I don’t know how it started, because I wasn’t looking that way, but suddenly she was fighting with Bud. I yelled and ran towards them – they totally ignored me, of course. Then Grump got into it too; now there were three! Conscious of my sore foot, I didn’t even think of kicking at them, but I knew I had to get her off poor Bud. He’s already sick, and his cancer has made him weaker, but he was still standing his ground. I reached and grabbed at Lucas’ neck kerchief (her owner uses that instead of a collar), screaming at the top of my lungs to “STOP!!”, and managed to pull her off and separate the three. It was only after I had finished scolding them all that I noticed my hand was bleeding. It had encountered a canine tooth during the fracas; who the tooth belonged to is debatable. It hadn’t been done on purpose; it was par for the course when stopping a dog fight. Thinking tetanus shots, etc., I hurried up to the house and cleaned it well, then soaked the area in iodine. It seemed fine, and wasn’t hurting too much. Until I woke up in the middle of the night and could hardly move it. Oh, no!! Once again pictures of tetanus shots ran through my mind – they HURT! I’ve had the experience, and didn’t relish going through it again. Fortunately, after moving the arm around some, I realized I had been sleeping on it. That was the cause of the pain. There was no swelling. Panic subsided. Saved for another day.

Tomorrow morning my youngest son is stopping by to cut the lawn, and to watch me use the tractor. He wants to make sure that I won’t end up head over tea kettle on the bottom of the hill, LOL! Later I’ll be stop to pick up my bro, the Bird, and we’ll go to Suzie’s annual Canada Day party. We never stay long, but it’s fun to meet old acquaintances once a year and find out how they’ve been doing.

My oldest son was moving into his new house today, and my daughter will be going into the city to give them a hand unpacking. I’ll head up that way on Friday (again with my bro, Bird) to admire his first home and to help anyway I can. There are many, many boxes to empty. Yoshiko, being Japanese, is a natural pack-rat and, although everything she collects is interesting, there is oodles of it!

It’s 3:45 AM, so time to think of going back to bed. I did snooze for a couple of hours earlier, but it seems sleeping more than 3 hours in a row is not in my cards at the moment. Eh bien, we take what we can get.

It’s going to be cool tomorrow, so I’m looking forward to coming back home at the end of the day and sitting by the fireplace, doggies at my feet and a good book in hand. Hope you all have a great CANADA DAY! It’s a beautiful country, and we’re certainly blessed to be living here.
Sending you SMILES!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Je suis gâté. J'ai pu lire "Me vs garage door" en arrivant tard hier au soir et en me levant ce matin à bonne heure "dog fight" . J'aime lire les aventures de Heckles in the bush. J'ai hâte au prochain épisode, . Canada, la meilleure place pour y vivre, les pure laine ne semblent pas être capables de célébrer la fête dans la joie et l'allégresse. Trop d'ignorance