Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My daughter brought me back a bottle of rum from Dominican. Good stuff! When the Bird and Fran came over for a visit last evening, we poured some into our glasses, each doctored it with ice and cola or water to personal taste, and the sampling began! It goes down like silk.

LOL – reading that paragraph over, it gives the illusion that we tied one on – but no. After their one drink they went home. I poured myself a second one, and went out onto the gallery to enjoy the night air. The doggies were with me (always!), Ozzy was singing away on the radio, and I started to dance, much to the doggies’ delight. It doesn’t sound like anything important, except I realized that finally, in spite of the turmoil going on around me, I’m finding myself again. It is so much easier to face the monsters in one’s life when, at one point during the day, you can turn away from them and just dance for the sheer pleasure of doing so. It gives the body and mind and emotions a healthy respite; it reminds one that, no matter how bad things get, there’s a little flame inside called hope. If you take the time to fan it, it flares up and turns into joy. It may not chase away the monsters, but it can keep them from dominating your life. Dancing, singing, belly laughs – all arsenal for the anti-monster campaign. It was nice to remember they were there and free for the taking.

There is, of course, a physical aspect – a body without sleep magnifies the size of those monsters. My friend, Kilroy, extolled the benefits of short naps in the afternoon. Heeding his words, I installed a futon in my office, hidden between my desk and the wall. After lunch each day, I have a short 45 minute meeting with Mr. Murphy (Morpheus), and any callers are told that I will call back; I cannot be disturbed. It took me a few times to get the knack, but now, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m off to la-la land. I get up, refreshed and ready to tackle whatever. A very wise investment, suggested by a very wise person. Thank you, Kilroy!

The sun is shining – we’re in for another hot, summer day. I think a lot of us are imitating our neighbours from the south; getting things done in the morning or evening, and restraining activity during the sticky heat of the afternoon. Unless, as is the case of yours truly, you are in an air-conditioned office.

Whatever your plans for the day, don’t forget to wear that SMILE! It, too, is part of the anti-monster arsenal!

Luv from the bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Mon amie Koolcat...un jour tu dois t'asseoir et écrire un livre ou un essaie sur la philosophie de la vie, parce que dans l'âme tu es philosophe. J'espère que ce n'est pas ton rhum qui te fait tourner la tête. Tes paroles en sont d'une très sage personne démontrant une grande expérience de la vie.
SEnd more blogs like that, I like them. Kilroy xxx