Thursday, July 22, 2010


Ahhh…8 hours of sleep! It took two little Usana pills to do it, and they worked just fine. It’s wouldn’t be something to adopt as a habit, whether natural products or not. Now and then, however, they give that extra little push so that one succumbs to Morpheus for more than 2 hours at a time. When I find myself nodding off for 15 minutes here and there while sitting on a chair, I know it’s Usana time.

And UGH – skunk! Not my dogs, although Grump-puppy has been a bug about going in and out since I got up at 4 AM. He’s back in now – I called him as soon as the smell started to waft through the open windows. I should have known; Grump is the most cautious pit-bull I’ve ever seen when it comes to approaching other animals. I expect it’s Lucas – she seems to get into everything, while Grump stands well back to see what will happen. Because of her thick fur, her master has Lucas sleep outdoors in a shelter – it’s too warm for her inside. Of course, that means she hears whatever is moving around in the bush during the night. Being young, she is very curious, and rushes headlong at anything new out there. So far she has experienced what happens when one disturbs a porcupine, or a moose, or a very angry wild cat. I have a feeling the little black and white creature has been added to her repertoire.

Now it’s time to prepare for the new day. The sun isn’t up yet; it’s still dark out there, but I want to get a head start in the office, so will be on the road shortly. Although there is less traffic, the ride in is still at least an hour.

Have a great day – remember to notice whatever you learn new today. There is always something, however insignificant it seems to be at the time. Sending you my SMILE!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec


polichon said...

Je viens d'apprendre qu'une petite pilule au produits naturels pour dormir existe. Est-ce que tu te sens "gommé" en te levant, ou si tu te sens tout simplement reposée et prête à attaquer ta journée, et où l'achète-tu?. Anyways, pourvu que çà te fasse dormir, c'est ce qui compte. Je te souhaite une journée très occupée. Lots of business xxx

polichon said...

Jean Coutu ne tient pas les produits Usana. Je présume qu'on les trouve dans les magasins de produits d'aliment naturels. ??. J'aimerais voir la composition de ces produits avant de me lancer dans un achat. Je suis curieux pour ces choses là. Aucun renseignement sur internet.RSVP