Friday, July 9, 2010

Well, most of my plans for yesterday worked out, except for the computer doc who came early this morning – like 7:30AM!! The problem? My modem was lying on its side, making it difficult for the fan to work well, and the extra heat was causing it to throw a safety switch. DUH! He checked the angle of the satellite too, but all was okay there. He left, warning me to make sure the modem stays upright. Huumm – an expensive lesson.

My own office has no windows, so I didn’t see the afternoon’s heavy rainfall. The other girls noticed, and my son, who drives on the south shore for Fed-Ex, called to tell me that it was terrible; “Armageddon” was the word he used. All the cars were pulled off to the side, they could see nothing, and there was hail coming down to complete the scene. I guess it was pretty bad in the bush. The doggies weren’t talking – just very happy to see me home again. But that’s a usual thing. For sure the rain is most welcome, if only to give us a break from the heavy heat we’ve been dragging for the past few days. I can feel the cooler breeze blowing in through all my open windows. That, together with the sound of the drops hitting the tin roof, predicts a good snooze tonight.

Suzie’s house in up in the hills too, and she was saying she saw a ball of fire with one of the lightning bolts. There was a thunderous CRACK and when it was over, she noticed that her sound system no longer worked. Too darned close for comfort! Nobody wants a fire.

Tomorrow is housework time. I let my helper go because I don’t want my Jo, who has his own business and three little kiddies, having to run over here every time there’s grass to cut, or things to pick up outside. I’ll use what money I save from the housekeeping to pay a young lad to help keep up the exterior. It makes more sense. The doggies’ feet are not so dirty in the summer weather; they make less of a mess. Then with me picking up as I go along, the house stays reasonably clean. So tomorrow morning on goes the music (wonder if my neighbours like AC/DC with breakfast??) and out come the mops & dust rags. I’m kind of looking forward to it!

I also have a meeting with my associates. The hour has not been determined yet, but this girl IS determined that we do meet. There are things to iron out – the sooner the better. It’s “bite the bullet” time! In fact, it seems to be “bite the bullet” month!!

Then it will be up to Suzie’s place to baptize the “Still sexy at 60” wine glass she gave me for my birthday. She won’t be here for the party next weekend; she’s returning to Detroit on Sunday, but it’s a given that I do the first toast from it with her! Just one, because after two or three, we tend to reach for the tequila, and she wants to leave early the next morning, LOL!

My Jacuzzi awaits, so off I go to luxuriate in bubbles of Tamanu. Happy dreams, folks; ones that make you SMILE!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

J'étais à la maison quand l'orage a passé. Sans exagéré, on aurait dit qu'on était tard dans la nuit tellement il faisait noir et la pluie tombant si fort que je ne voyais pas l'autre côté de la rue.
Il y a longtemps que je n'avais pas vu une orage comme celle là. Cà fait peur