Tuesday, July 13, 2010


That was a wicked thunder storm in the bush last night! I enjoy them. It seems every storm gives me a story to remember, and this one ran true to form.

I finally had the meeting with one of my associates, and got home later than expected. The doggies were hungry, and more hyper than usual, which, the Weather Network or not, should have warned me what was in store. After doling out their food downstairs, I went up and began chopping and seasoning, creating the spaghetti sauce that had been planned for the night before. While in the midst of this delightful occupation, my closest neighbour stopped by. He was on his way to the store, he said – did I need anything? With him was his wolf-husky, Lucas, and his huge and lovable Rottweiler, Sally. I decided a bottle of wine would compliment my cooking (or at very least the cook), and offered to keep Lucas inside while he left. She has a bad habit of following his truck when he drives away.

About 5 minutes after his departure, the storm let loose. Poor Sally was at the door, not looking happy, so I invited her to come in too. Electric storms scare my dogs, and I figured Sally would be happy to join us in the cosy, yum-smelling kitchen. I was right. Sally was just as wary of all that flashing light and crashing going on outside as the others were – but now there were 4 very large beasts dogging my every step, each trying to get closer than the other. They all respected my refusal to let them track me into the kitchen, although Lucas, who is still quite young, was harder to convince than the older hounds.

So here I am, walking over to the stove to stir the sauce every ten minutes, each time being surveyed by a pack of good-natured canines, all bunched together behind the invisible line, and watching me avidly, tongues hanging to the side, noses twitching as they sniffed the air, tails wagging slowly…and each wearing his/her unique expression. Sally, calm and respectful; Grump, very interested but obedient; Lucas just itching to run to me; and Bud…well, Bud with his dead stare, certain in his arrogance that none of them would move unless he did!

Precious!!! LOL! I loved every minute of it!

When my neighbour arrived with the wine, I was in between stirrings, sitting at the dining room table, totally surrounded. He laughed, and I agreed with his comment that one couldn’t ask for better bodyguards. Definitely safe as a bug in a rug was I! Sally & Lucas left with him a few moments later, the storm was over, and my two doggies settled down now that the competition was gone.

Yep – a little thing, but something that makes me SMILE when I remember! Hope it made you SMILE too!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

J'étais en autobus sur la route de St-élie quand la grosse orage nous est tombé dessus. On ne sent presque rien dans ces gros transporteurs. Je me demande si l'odeur de ta sauce à spaghetti ne se rend pas jusqu'ici. Je crois la sentir. Lucas, est ce que c'est lui qui s'est battu avec tes chiens l'autre jour? xxxx