Sunday, July 11, 2010


What a beautiful day! Now that’s the kind of summer weather we think about when shovelling snow! Not too hot, breezy, blue sky with fluffy white clouds…perfect!!

I was up at 6 AM, then it wasn’t long until I got into the cleaning mode. With the satellite tuned to classic rock music, and the doggies outside looking in, the house (main floor, at least) was dusted, vacuumed, floors washed and kitchen waxed, washing done…and I took breaks drinking long glasses of cold water, admiring the scenery from my swing on the gallery. It was completed by 2:20 PM – nice!

My granddaughter and a friend dropped in for a few minutes, although she wouldn’t get out of the car. She’s wary of the doggies who, of course, were showing off, prancing around me as I stood outside and chatted.

A little later I ran up to say goodbye to Suzie, who is heading back to Detroit. While I was there, my son, Jo, drove by, saw my car, and he and his two oldest boys stopped to say hello to M’mère. I got my hugs and kisses in, but I’m greedy. When I was on my way back home I decided that I hadn’t seen his new baby either for a couple of weeks, so arrived at his home to get…more hugs & kisses!! There’s nothing quite as nice as a grandchild’s chubby arms hanging onto your neck. Bali had just finished his supper, and his hands were a little sticky – LOL – and like that bothers me?? Nope!

The baby, Tao, has put on weight. He was sleeping away in his little chair, in spite of Bali’s excited yelling beside him – a sign of a good baby – and looks more and more like his big bro, Nalou. I mentioned it, and Nalou smiled; I could tell he was pleased as punch that this is so.

After a short hop to see my brother, Bird, I came home to my clean house and my hungry doggies. They were fed, and I dined on old fashioned English ‘fish ‘n chips’ while listening to the highlights of the World Cup Soccer game; Germany won, as I had thought they would. My foot was too swollen to take the usual walk with the doggies. It’s getting better, but is still sore when I use it as much as I did today.

I was nodding off by 10 PM, but woke 4 hours later – and it seems Murphy sneaked out the back door. Instead of tossing & turning, I got up and here I am, posting on my blog at 2:30 AM. I’ll try some reading to entice Murphy to join me again. The meeting with my associates didn’t happen today, and I want to make sure I’m awake enough tomorrow to catch up to them.

All in all, an uneventful but fine Saturday for me! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, people. Just the weather alone has to make you SMILE!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

La vie a dont l'air belle quand je lis ces lignes. On appelle çà une force de caractère que d'être capable de laisser ses problèmes dans un coin de la boite à bois et oublier qu'ils sont là , et continuer de sourire à la vie. La nature a voulu que certaines personnes sont gratifiées de ces dons. Heureux pour moi parce que j'en connais. xxx