Thursday, July 29, 2010


The day before yesterday, Line, the only other girl left at the office, was not feeling up to par. I caught her looking at my futon with longing, LOL! Yesterday she called in and I could tell she was sick. Line is a bouncy person – yesterday she was dragging her heels. I told her to stay in bed. Last night, by the time I got back home, my heels were in the same state. It was not late, and I was already struggling to keep my eyes open. I gave in and went to bed, sure that I would wake up within a couple of hours, then be unable to sleep for the rest of the night. How wrong I was! I vaguely remember Grump-puppy disturbing me at 3 AM, wanting to go out, and me telling him to go away, lie down! He finally succeeded in getting me out of bed at 5:30 this morning, and I’m still not 100%. I’m not complaining – I’ll take any hours of sleep I can get – it’s the feeling that I could use more shut-eye that is bothering me. I feel slightly dizzy too. Is this a new virus going around? There seems to be a new one popping up every other day – unless it’s just the media using scare tactics (in cahoots with the pharmaceutical companies, probably). I guess we’ll see as we go along.

As I was crawling into bed, my associate called. His mood was hopeful – his business ventures viewed with a little more optimism. I know he’s working his butt off to make things right, and I’m sending him all the positive vibes I can muster. We should know more by tonight. This is really the ‘make or break’ week, and if he ever tries something like this again, I’m gonna kill him! I’ll probably have to stand in line, LOL!

We have another beautiful, sunny day, and it’s not the heavy humidity we been experiencing lately. Great for those on the last week of the annual construction holiday here in Quebec. I expect Kilroy will be eyeballing his vélo, planning a bit of cycling. Yours truly will shortly be hopping into her truck and heading for the city office. Another day and, hopefully, another dollar!

Have a good day, folks! Sending you a SMILE!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec


polichon said...

Des nouvelles encourageantes font maigrir de 10 livres d'un seul coup sans recours aux Weight watchers. Content pour toi.
La période de l'année est propice à ces petits mosus de virus, On appelle çà une grippe d'été. Je n'ose pas trop en parler de peur de l'attraper. Le meilleur remède est de se laver les mains le plus souvent possible. Je ferai ce que tu prêches...un grand sourire

polichon said...

Le savon du Dolorama n'est pas assez fort pour déloger tous les microbes engloutis dans les mains encrassées. Rien de mieux que le bon vieux savon en barre.(dixit Dr. Maboule). Je m'imagine que tu es seule au bureau pour répondre au téléphone. Est ce ton associé est revenu des pays du Sud? Il doit se sentir très mal de te placer dans l'embarras, j'en suis certain, mais les faits sont là. RIGHT?