Friday, July 16, 2010


It was late enough when I got to bed last night. Bow & Yoshiko stopped in around 10:30 PM to pick up my “Diable” and straps, and I don’t even know what it’s called in English. It’s a steel contraption on 2 wheels used to move heavy articles. The kids purchased a BBQ – must be large enough – because they needed the “Diable” to unload it from the truck. It was a ‘come ‘n gone’ visit, taking all of 10 minutes, LOL. I read for an hour or so, then slipped into sleep, the fans running merrily. I woke at 1:00 AM to no hydro…therefore no fans, then nothing but tossing and turning in the heat, 15 minute snoozes here and there until everything came back on at 5 AM. When it was time to get up and at it. Hummm…one of those nights. It’s raining out there now. I can practically hear the grass growing; Kilroy won’t be the only one with a lawn to mow this weekend!

One of my associates came to the office yesterday. The girls had already started cleaning their desks, so it was rather quiet. He didn’t have anything good to say about the employees, which seems to be the way when in his position. (I can write that here – none of them even know I have a blog, let alone read it.) I listened, but understood why and where he was coming from, so just let him rant without me showing much reaction. Any comment would have just added fuel to the fire. He hasn’t been sleeping much either…and no darned wonder!!! My position is bad enough, but his is a lot worse. If we’re calling a spade a spade, it could be said that he put us all there, yet that’s beside the point. We can’t fault someone for trying, and he’s making every effort to get out of the mess. However, I intend to use the weekend to decide to what extent I’ll hang on for the ride. I won’t throw it over completely, of course. One doesn’t do that to a partner…or a friend, when trouble rears its head. I’ll help as much as is feasible, but I AM stepping back from some of his methods. I don’t need the headache that will surely follow. I can use my changing decades this weekend as an excuse – i.e. I’m too old for this, LOL!

Now that I’ve mentioned the ‘decade’ thing, the big birthday bash for my son & I is being held tomorrow at my daughter’s house. I love these parties – all the young couples bring their little children and we watch them jump in and out of the pool, run around yelling and playing; reminding us what fun it is to be alive! Shan is leaving the next morning for a week holiday in Republic Dom., so we’ll do our best to help her clean up at the end of it all…which usually turns out to be the next morning! If I’m not too tired (or hung-over, LOL), I’ll tell you all about it in Sunday’s blog.

Have a good one, people. Let your SMILE shine, sun or no sun. It will surely brighten someone’s day!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec


polichon said...

Un diable est un "baggage borrow". Je crois que ton associé est sincèrement désolé de ce qu'il arrive, mais ne semble pas avoir la compétence pour mener ses projets à bien. Ai-je raison? Est-ce toi tu continues à exploiter ton commerce?

polichon said...

Un diable est un baggage barrow, comme dans wheel barrow. Excuse le lapsus. J'ai appris un nouveau anglais dans :"RANT". Le monsieur en question serait un "RANTER". En francais je dirais un big BS qui dit des mots qui ne veulent rien dire, un discours creux, un discours d'énergumène. Un discours pour essayer d'endormir ...RIGHT?

Adnohr said...

Parfaitement raison pour le "Ranter", mon ami! Et oui - je vais essayer de le remonter, le commerce.