Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I actually managed to get some work done yesterday, in spite of having spent the night chasing the ever-elusive Morpheus. (Note – I finally got the name right!).
With the construction holiday, and probably the early hour too, the drive into work was a breeze; exactly 60 minutes from home to office. The place does seem so empty without the employees. They are a young and cheerful bunch; I miss the ambiance.

The first tasks were those usually done by the girls; invoicing, time-sheets, etc., and the time passed quickly. When Line arrived, I was ready to go over a couple of files we do together. Right after lunch I shut off the lights in my office, crawled onto my futon, and snoozed for an hour. It did a world of good, but left me somewhat dozy for the afternoon. Instead of tackling anything complicated, the rest of the day was spent on routine stuff that does not require much attention.

I think you can all guess that bedtime was early. It was 7:30 when I got back home, so the walk down the lane with the doggies was short; then feeding time, then Jacuzzi, then pillow! Yes!

I heard nothing until 2 AM, when the dogs woke me up by barking. They were insistent about going outside. Fifteen minutes later they were back at the door wanting in, and by that time Morpheus had made his escape. There is no use going back to bed right now; tossing and turning is just too frustrating. Kilroy tells me that, as one gets older, one sleeps less. I don’t think I’ll dwell on that for the moment. Too scary! Then again – in about 15 years my youngest grandsons will be teenagers, and we know teens can rock ‘n roll all night. How do you think they’ll react if their little, old granny tags along with them? There’s an enchanting idea…LOL!!

I have some dishes in the sink, and haven’t yet completed the sorting of the papers in my home office, so I think I’ll tackle those jobs now. If I’m lucky, I’ll squeeze in another hour of shut-eye before it’s time to leave for the city.

Hoping you spend the day SMILING, folks. Like they say – one size fits all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

snay...vas t'en....disparait...take probably from the german word snell. I don't know how to spell it, however that's the way it is pronounced. Snay ou snaille. Vas t'en , Est ce que cà se pourrait que tu commences à laisser traîner tes affaires et laisser la paresse t'envahir?. Pas à 60 ans, la fleur de l'âge. Je te taquine, dis le moi...snaille, va te coucher. Je te souhaite une journée occupé avec beaucoup de travail. xxx