Friday, July 2, 2010


What a beautiful morning out here in the bush! The sun is there in all its glory, with just enough breeze to keep it from being too warm. The birds are singing their hearts out, my coffee is hot and delicious, the doggies are silent beside me keeping watch, and I stand on my gallery admiring nature’s view and thinking “What more could one want right at this moment? Thank You for this lovely day!”

The grass still needs to be cut, but my son will come early this morning and do the honours. He went down the hill on the lawn tractor yesterday, decided that he would sleep better knowing that his Mum wasn’t wrapping herself around a tree at the bottom, and said he would come back today and do it himself, LOL.

After he had left, on his way to do his errands for his mobile canteen, I made my way up to Suzie’s Canada Day party. There were many hugs and kisses from old friends who meet once a year for this celebration, retro tunes playing, the BBQ churning out hotdogs and hamburgers, tequila making the rounds…a perfect afternoon, in spite of the rain showing up now and then. Fran and my brother, Bird, arrived a little later to join us. I sat smiling as I watched my bro get up and dance – he was having such a good time. It made my day.

It wasn’t late when I returned home to the doggies – they were waiting patiently for their supper – and we went for a short walk just before it got too dark to see. It was cool enough, so I lit the wood already prepared in the fireplace, slipped into my Jacuzzi, and lay back to relax in the jasmine scented bubbles, gazing into the orange and red and yellow of the flames cracking away merrily. It was one of those special moments when you feel that it doesn’t get much better than this.

I actually slept through 7 hours! Feeling like a million bucks on this gorgeous morning! Later today I’ll pick up the Bird and we’ll go to visit my other son and Yoshiko; I’m looking forward to seeing their new home, as much as my son is anxious to show off his first house, I know. My daughter was there yesterday and tells me that nearly everything is unpacked and put in its place already, which means Mum can just enjoy her inspection, LOL!

There are a few business related things to take care of before leaving, but it shouldn’t take long. I’ll still have time to do the floors in the apartment downstairs, throw in some washing, and voilà! The rest of the day will be mine.

It has been years, literally, since I have enjoyed more than one consecutive day away from the office. Last week’s 3 days off (5 if you count the weekend) did much for my morale; doing the same this week is a bonus. I doubt if I’ll forget it soon, which means that I’m planning to make it a regular occurrence in the future. I had forgotten how important it is to play as well as work.

Have a good one, folks! My SMILE is all over my face this morning – hope yours will be there too!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Je sens de la joie partout..aucun signe de tristesse. C'est bien cà. Quand on a le goût de se trotter comme tu le fais, c'est bon signe. Ton frère qui danse...un autre bon signe. Yoshiko dans sa maison en train de se bâtir un nid, peut-être faire de toi une grand mère encore une fois. Tout semble tourner du bon côté.Alléluia