Wednesday, March 27, 2013


’10 days before we leave for Japan’ is the status my son wrote on Facebook. He had to be kidding!!

I checked the calendar. Damn, he was right. Now what? I have absolutely nothing prepared, other than my passport, which I will pick up 2 days before our departure date. I’m not even sure my grandson will be around for the dogs – he tells me he may be at work in the new location while we’re gone. His little girlfriend was to come upstairs at least once every day so that Smooch could get used to her, but that hasn’t been happening either – even though I mentioned it several times. ARRGH! I’ll have to get on both their cases tonight (Fred’s and his GF’s); I won’t have an easy mind if I’m worried about Smooch knocking her down in his over-exuberant, gleeful greetings.

If it’s true what they say, that one usually has the best time when not expecting it, I guess it will be my best trip ever. The incentive to go is extremely weak. There’s the work this time of year, the worry about the doggies, having to travel on a very skinny shoestring, the long flight, the constant activity during the visit (my DIL’S parents are determined to show me all of Japan in 8 days), the daily ‘minimal’ earthquake notices....and nobody mention nuclear, please.


Now – I’m depending on everyone who reads this to send me an encouraging word, to convince me that I will enjoy this trip, that all will go well, and that my airplane will stay in the sky when it is supposed to be there. I’m counting on y’all to make me SMILE!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


My I-Phone beeped, signalling an incoming text message. The distinctive whistle told me it was from my youngest son, the daddy of the Rug rats. I was surprised. I hadn’t heard much from him since his last visit with the boys; the one where he had rushed them away within minutes of receiving his GF’s call, indignant that they were with me. The only contact after that was a short sentence saying he was too busy to help me move the china cabinet I had been given. He never did follow up to see if I had managed to take care of the move myself.

Now he was asking if I would be home later that evening. He added that his silence wasn’t due to his being angry (??) or anything, just that he was very, very busy, but he would like to drop by tonight. From the gist of his message, I could tell that his sister had read him the riot act – Mom misses you. After I assured him that I would be available, I contacted my daughter and she confirmed my suspicion. She had let him know that he was being unfair whether he realised or not.

“And just talk about him!” she warned me. “Don’t mention the GF.”

He showed up with a bottle of wine, but without the boys. He had already said that it was a school night, so too late for them to be up. We chatted while watching the hockey game. His new job, which he likes; the rug rats, they were fine; his busy-ness, renovating her house, children’s birthday parties invites, and visiting friends; his losing weight (too much in my opinion); my upcoming trip to Japan. He filled a bag with his moose meat from my freezer (he doesn’t have a large freezer at home), I gave him a loaf of fresh bread, and that was it. On his way out, he brought up the subject both of us were very careful to avoid.

“You could call the house sometimes,” he said. ‘She (his GF) is going on about you still not wanting to talk to her. You should call.”

“Hmmm – yes, but I’m very, very busy.” I used his excuse, and I hope he got it. One day maybe, but not yet; the wound has to heal.

I returned to my seat on the couch, my heart sad with the gap that now existed between us; hoping that, for his sake, she was worth it. My faithful doggies jumped up and cuddled, one on each side. Their action changed my attitude.

“It’s all about lack of loyalty,” I told them. “Maybe what I should do is go right over there and kick her ass! His too!! Get it over with! What do you guys think?”

They wagged their tails. As long as it wasn’t their asses getting kicked, they were fine with whatever I decided. Their reaction made me SMILE.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I dislike dealing with doctors or tests, so procrastinate as long as possible before doing those things one should do on a regular basis – preventive medicine, I believe it’s called. If I go at all, it’s because I’m sick. Of course, my timing is way off, meaning that when I am in need of his expertise, it’s still impossible to get an appointment with my family doctor before 6 to 8 weeks, if I’m lucky. Sitting for hours in hospital emergency clinic is not an option in my mind. I’ll go for private care if I have the money. Usually I’ll wait it out, using home or over the counter remedies to heal myself. Most of the time my methods are successful. Last December was not one of those times.

After being told that I had could die and organise a state funeral before my own doc would be available, and learning that the private clinic I had frequented on other occasions was now closed, I resorted to calling a place suggested by my daughter. They gave me an appointment for the next day, and I was examined by a young lady who questioned and probed, then prescribed antibiotics for acute bronchitis, but not before lining up a battery of tests and scans and x-rays that she insisted I should have done, due to my age, etc.


I took the medicine, and it helped some, but not entirely, so after waiting for a bit, and because I was being badgered by Suzie, I decided to schedule the x-ray and scan. The results were to be sent to the young lady I had seen, as well as to my own doctor, with whom I was to follow up by appointment. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at my doc’s office to find that he had moved! Fortunately I was early so, after getting his address from the pharmacy downstairs, I actually arrived at his new downtown office without being late.

I was slightly miffed – why hadn’t I been told of the address change when the appointment was made? I ask the receptionist. Ummm – maybe because he has moved two years ago? she replied.


I accepted his scolding with grace, even nodded when he gave me the ‘annual check-up’ spiel. I wasn’t so agreeable when he scheduled MORE tests and appointments; I’m sure it’s just so I uphold my end of our bargain on that preventive stuff.

There was a light moment when I wondered aloud why no-one had yet invented an ‘eternal youth’ potion.

“Too easy.” He remarked. “Then I’d never see you.”

“You think?” I asked, and we both SMILED.

Luv from the Bush in QUebec

Friday, March 22, 2013


She opened her eyes to the hum of the machines that surrounded her bed. It took her a second to determine where she was, what she was doing there. A slight movement caused her to look over, and she found him sitting by her side, the warmth of his gaze touching her.

“Hey.’ He said softly. She grimaced.

“I’m still alive.” Even if it was a whisper, he could discern the flat tone. He nodded.

“Yes,” he agreed. She looked away.

“What in hell for?” Frustration evident now.

After a moment’s hesitation, he answered her. “Maybe because too many people will miss you when you go.”

“Wrong answer!” she grunted. He smiled again. Nothing could change that feisty temperament.

“Well, then...,” He spoke slowly, the smile still in his voice. “Maybe they’re not ready for you wherever you’re going. They’re worried. They need more time to prepare.” As he said it, he believed it.

No reaction to his words, but he suspected she was pleased.

“Right answer” she thought as she closed her eyes and slipped back into the drug-induced sleep. He sat watching her, then reached to take her limp hand in his own.

“And if you come back, be the same,” he pleaded. “Don’t change.”

Through the layers of fog, she heard his request, and sent her answer back.
”God forbid.”

Thursday, March 21, 2013


She called around 6 PM, and asked if I could pick her up. She sounded exhausted, and slightly desperate. She was waiting outside her door when I arrived; anxious, disoriented somewhat, and although warmly dressed, shivering with cold...or fatigue. She had nothing on her stomach except a cup of coffee from early morning, she told me. We loaded the few plants she was bringing with her into my truck, then she climbed into the passenger seat without looking back at the house. She had lived there for all of the 53 years since her arrival in this country.

The money from the sale had not yet been deposited into her account, in spite of the papers being signed at the notary a week ago. The new owner requested the key; he wanted to move in that day at 8 AM. On the advice of others, she had refused. Money first, she told him, but she was worried. Nothing had been smooth with the transaction; it was delay after delay, doubting the competence of her agent, the honesty of the purchaser and/or his notary, and now compounded with calls and dire predictions from those around her. Everyone, her ex-husband included, was waiting for the funds to take the next step in their own preparations. Because she had been the one to instigate the sale, and was the contact for the procedures involved, she was feeling guilty for the way things had happened; wondering if she had been too trusting in her lack of knowledge, unsure now if her decision had even been the right one, anxious how it was affecting everyone else.

The furniture had already been moved out a few days prior, and she had slept on the floor...for those few hours she had slept at all. This, together with sporadic eating and the continual stress, probably the age factor too (she’s 71), had taken its toll. No matter how strong her character, events had finally overwhelmed her; she was ready to fold.

“Hot food.” I said. “Then sleep. Things look much better when you’re rested. There is absolutely nothing you can do about anything tonight. And tomorrow we’ll see how it goes.”

She listened. She finished her meal, drank her tea, and was snuggled in bed by 8:00 PM. I dimmed the lights, leaving just enough that she could find her way downstairs if needed, then I stoked the fire and retired to my office, hoping that the quiet and peace in my house would prove refreshing.

It worked. She stayed over the next day and night, taking care of what was left to do by telephone. During this time we discussed her options, the money was deposited, her car was serviced, and she regained the energy required to turn the page. I assured her that she was welcome anytime she needed a break, because we all do now and then.

This lady has been there for me when I needed her. Her help had been indispensable when both my mom and my brother succumbed to cancer. She had offered her services willingly and without expecting anything in return. I only wished I could do more for her now.

We hugged as she left; a strong warm hug between loyal friends.

‘You’ve got my number.” I reminded her. She motioned to her car.

“Somewhere there. In with all my other papers.” she replied, alluding to her faulty memory of late. “But it doesn’t matter. I know where you live.”

Of course! Nothing more needed to be said. When she waved goodbye, we were both SMILING.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Friday, March 15, 2013


I truly love my house. Except when it’s time to wash the floors.

So...once a week, I can’t say I DISLIKE my house, but I tend to grumble about its size during the few hours it takes to clean it. Note that having two doggies (three if we count Louka) coming in and out doesn’t help matters. Oh, and I must not forget Dora, my grandson’s cat who is as often up here as she is down in her own apartment. She plays tag with Smooch, and three times already she has knocked over a plant and dirt came cascading down on the floor and the stairs. Smooch didn’t catch her, and she’s darned lucky that Mistress didn’t catch her either! Well, not until Mistress cooled down some anyway.

Tomorrow night my friends Dawna & Malcolm, who just came back from a 6 week tour in India, and my Cuban couple are coming for supper, so I put some effort into getting this place presentable. The music was loud both in the kitchen area and in the living room; I like stereo music when I work, and the mop is easier to wield when pretending to dance with it. Grump, older and wiser, headed straight for the leather couches and made himself scarce. Smooch, younger and still very curious, decided to be supervisor. He sat 5 feet behind and watched as I gyrated with the mop. When I would get near him, he would move another 5 feet away. This went on until he didn’t have any choice but to climb up on the other leather couch....or to get yelled at. Wise doggie - he chose the couch.

Four hours later and the place looks as okay as it’s going to for the moment. That means tomorrow can be spent cooking, which both the doggies and I enjoy. Kool!!

I’ll be heading for the Jacuzzi now, and then Morpheus and I can slip into a dreamland where we’ll chop and simmer and stir, and drift high in the savory scent of cannelloni aux épinards (spinach), et à la viande au tomates (meat & tomato), and melt in the caress of warm, baked bread.

What do you think? Am I SMILING?

You bet! And, of course, sharing it with y’all.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


My friend, who turned a young 72 in January, has sold her house and will be moving this week. She has been living in this same house since she arrived from Germany as a boat-bride when she was 18. She will be staying in this province a little while longer, sharing an apartment with her son, then will be moving in with her daughter and 3 adolescent granddaughters in NB. It is an enormous change, and her feelings alternate between the excitement, and the fear, of turning the page.

She may be coming to stay with me for a couple of days while wrapping things up; her various appointments with doctor, automobile maintenance, the bank. I’ll prepare the room upstairs, and try to make her as physically comfortable as possible. I expect there will be some physiological hand-holding too. I imagine myself in her shoes, and hope that I can make the transition easier for her.

She gave me a piece of furniture that she has owned and loved for a long time; a corner china cabinet. Late yesterday afternoon my grandson, Fred, accompanied me and we wrapped it in blankets, laid it carefully in my truck, then carried it upstairs and installed it in my living room. She wanted it to be where she could see it occasionally. In its present place of honor, it will be the first thing in sight when she enters my home. I think she’ll be pleased.

Our lives shift as time marches on, altered by events not always of our own making, but also by actions of others. A point in case, I said to Fred during our drive back, is you becoming a daddy in a few months. It will affect all of us, maybe me more than some, seeing that we share a residence, or are you planning to move too? He assured me that no, he and mommy-to-be will make room for the baby in the apartment. His job requires that he be absent for periods of time, and he’ll feel better knowing that his little girlfriend will not be alone with first child; Mémère will be backup.

“Wise lad!” I declared. And we both SMILED.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Monday, March 11, 2013


At 2:30 AM I gave up and logged onto Facebook to see if there were any other insomniacs looking for company. I was scrolling over the status page and I heard the message beep; it was my grandson, soon-to-be-daddy, from his job in Alberta. He was coming home today – he needed to leave for the airport in a couple of hours, and was too excited to sleep. He has been transferred to a work site closer to home, so will be here every weekend now, and couldn’t wait to arrive and hug his girlfriend with the baby-in-belly, LOL!! We chatted until 6:30 my time, then I attempted to catch up on some snooze. That didn’t happen. Damn!

Ah well, grandson was on his way, so I figured that I might as well do something constructive. Cookies; I like to make ‘em and he likes to eat ‘em! While they were baking, I decided to throw a Shepherd’s Pie together too. I think I’ve mentioned more than once how I enjoy cooking. It relaxed me enough that I did manage some shut-eye before the phone began to ring at 10...and the day was on a roll.

My daughter met Fred when his flight came in, then drove him home, and she stayed for a coffee...and some cookies, LOL. With her was her rat-dog (Chihuahua), who bravely, and foolishly, growled and yapped at my boys. They were not impressed, and I decided it would be wiser to tie Smooch and avoid an accident. Even Grump had to be isolated outdoors if I wanted to enjoy our visit; otherwise I’d have been distracted by anticipating trouble. I haven’t seen them so hyper in a long time. There is something about Vinnie, my daughter’s dog, that puts their hair on end. Another time we’ll get together to teach these 3 mutts what they can and can’t do to each other.

I took a few moments today to fill out forms to renew my passport. It is presently good until June 2013, but apparently in Japan one needs a 4 month leeway on the expiry date. Fortunately my son and DIL warned me, although sort of last minute? I thought I was good to go...and there are only 3 weeks left before we leave.

I’m tired now, so will make it an early night and hopefully Morpheus will be accommodating. I’ll fall to sleep thinking of my great grand-baby’s name – Lena for a girl, Elliot for a boy – and for sure I’ll have a SMILE! When Mr. Sandman shows up beside your bed, he’ll be carrying your share, all tied up with a huge, green (for Spring) bow!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

Saturday, March 9, 2013

WONDERING...a poem


And into the sudden hurt
Of a small request ignored, denied,
Edges the scene
Of those nights awake
Exhausted, while others slept,
Wetting that little body
Over and over with cool water
To help him breathe.
Hospital hours
In a mask,
Forbidden to hold or caress
But staying,
Wanting him to feel safe
In the midst of
My own panic.
Many times, many ways, always
Holding out my hand
So he could grab on.
Wondering how
He can be unaware
Of the pain,
Of how carelessly
He is burying me.
Wondering if
He would hear
The terrible secret,
Would it be different?
Or would regret be consoled
That inheritance
Is earlier than planned?
But mostly
Wondering where
I went wrong.

It's rare I write these any more - used to write poems often when younger.
Hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather we have right now - sending you a SMILE to help it along!!
Luv from the Bush in Quebec

Friday, March 8, 2013


UGH!!! It’s the time of year when I realize just how much I have come to HATE the accounting profession. If I never talk to another government revenue agent again, it won’t be too soon. It burns my ass to think we, the citizens, are actually paying the salaries of those mostly arrogant, pompous, patronizing, ...and I have a long list of adjectives I could add here, very few of them favorable.....persons. To be honest, I used to enjoy fencing with them, treated it as a challenge. I’m too tired to do it now. I would rather put my energy elsewhere.

Okay, that’s my b*tching over for the day, LOL!

I see my Dunany Demons are taking a well-earned break. Temperatures are much milder, and the Weather Network is predicting more of the same, with lots of welcome sunshine, until next Thursday, on which day the forecast is for 12 inches of snow. It could, and probably will, change by then. I’m keeping an eye on it because the roof situation is now threatening my satellite installations. My TV flutters on and off occasionally, and I’ve discovered a wire hanging down, all wrapped in the broken snow barrier. There is no use changing it until the roof is clean, yet I’m worried about total interruption during a HABS hockey game. Hopefully enough of the ice will melt and permit some repairs before the next storm. But if the worst does happens and the damaged wire cuts out service, any of my neighbours could risk finding me plunked down in front of their TV until the game is over. I’m considering preparing some loaves of fresh, homemade bread as bribes....just in case.....

Speaking of the HABS, they are playing both days this weekend again. Lovely!! This lady is SMILING!!!

Sharing it with you! And if the HABS win, that SMILE will be dancing!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Last night I fell to sleep sitting in my chair, so I missed the end of the Senators/Leafs game. I had been awake for 38 hours, except for a 20 minute morning snooze on the couch. I had crashed with the phone in one hand and cuddling Grump with the other. The call I was expecting is what woke me, and it lead to another, then another, and I was surprised that I was still functioning reasonably well. I didn’t even feel all that tired when I sat down in front of the TV, but it caught up to me, of course. Maybe there is something special in the vitamins I bought from the Organic Food store - usually I’d have been dragging my heels way before the end of the day.

Being awake that long does cause mental lapse, of which I had proof this morning when I was hunting high and low for my purse. I always put it in the same place, but now it wasn’t there. I went through the kitchen, living room, was nowhere to be found. Although certain that I had brought it upstairs after my errands yesterday, I finally went down to the garage and checked in my truck, but no, it wasn’t there either. Hmmm...

I vaguely remembered hearing the dogs bark last night after I had crawled from the chair to my bed. I was too tired to get up and check, and it wasn’t their urgent ‘Stranger is here’ noise, so I had just turned over and continued to sleep. Now I was wondering – could someone have come in and stolen my purse? Nah – unless they knew the person well, and even then, I was sure that the doggies would have raised more fuss. I was still pondering the likelihood of such an event when I tripped over the object of my search. It was on the floor in the hall, just inside the entrance, where I had dropped it to open the door on my arrival yesterday.

So, all is well that ends well. My purse is recovered, the faith in my doggies’ competence is restored, and I can SMILE at my own “Duh” moments. I imagine there will be more before this day is over.

Sharing the SMILE with y’all, as always!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It was 4 AM when I heard the rumble and the bang. Ok, I thought, there goes the rest of my front gallery railing. I was right. My office door is completely blocked with the second avalanche of ice and snow that slid off the roof. I’ll wait until daylight to do the inspection; I doubt any is left up there. Fortunately my TV and internet satellites seem to be intact; at least the equipment is still working. According to The Weather Network we are to have warm temperatures all week, then rain for a couple of days. If this is true (whoever heard of a weatherman being wrong?) I can maybe avoid the hours of shoveling, and just let it melt away. There is one heck of a mess to clean up when it’s gone, but no use rebuilding the railing until the roof is either extended or wired with heaters to melt the snow regularly. It had happened once before, and I thought the installation of a metal snow fence would do the trick. Fail!

The insomnia is in full swing. That fickle fellow, Morpheus, didn’t bother showing up at all last night. It’s too late to sleep now – I’m expecting some important business calls. Hopefully they will come in early this morning. I expect by noon I’ll be seriously drooping, with my brain shifting into neutral; not ideal when you are chatting to the tax man.

I was commenting on some posts in Blogit and noted that the time indicated was 11:15, but here it was 2:15 AM. I guess they use their time, and they are located on the west coast? Not that it’s important – I’m just curious. I also read a rather harsh review of the site which was written by an ex-member in 2006. The description sure doesn’t fit the community as I know it, but I suppose it could have changed through the years, and for that I am thankful.

Wishing you all a fun day and I’m sending out SMILES with that wish. You may have to shake them awake when they reach you!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Everything seemed to be going my way yesterday, and I still can’t put my finger on why I was so uptight. I could sense it before I got out of bed in the morning – could feel the weight of my mental shield hanging from my hand, ready to be thrown up at a moment’s notice. I searched my mind for a hint of what could be bothering me and found nothing that merited this premonition of potential frustration or doom. I decided to ignore it, to get on with things I had to do, but noticed that it didn’t go away. It stayed there, lurking just under the surface – a damned nuisance.

As I said, all else was flowing well. I had X-rays to pass in the morning and, surprisingly, I was in and out of there in 20 minutes. How often does that happen? Every light was green as I drove along; in spite of the crowds, I had immediate access to each cashier in the different stores when I did my shopping; the short visit with my friend, Helen, was pleasant; and Smooch hadn’t destroyed anything while I was away.

Ah – but my TV wasn’t working! The satellite was offline, and there was a hockey game coming on. Maybe this was what my ever present foreboding of dire things to come was trying to tell me?

Could it be a server problem? I texted an inquiry to my neighbour. No, he replied, his was working fine. Maybe I had snow on my dish, he suggested. When I went outside to check, I found the wire imbedded in ice. After a few well-placed slaps with a shovel, the ice fell, and the TV was back on. But the feeling was still there.

I poured a glass of red wine and went out to play with the doggies. An hour or so later I decided to come inside and do some cooking. It’s an activity I enjoy, and the chopping and measuring and stirring tends to relax me. I threw the makings into my bread machine (yesterday’s loaf had disappeared, half with my daughter and the other to Helen), prepared Cauliflower au gratin (a new recipe), and deboned the roast chicken for soup. By now hockey was starting, so I added wood to the fireplace and settled to watch the action. The HABS lost, but it was an exciting play.

The time spent in the kitchen and watching the game had the desired effect of distraction, but didn’t rid me of the nagging tension. Even Morpheus, who actually showed up last night, has been unable to dispel the unease. It’s still there this morning, hovering on the edge, just out of sight.

Well, you know what? The bugger can go to the devil! I will leave it there to stew. It will be handled when it shows its face – a crossing the bridge when I come to it, so to speak.

In the meantime, we’ll smother its vague, annoying promise with SMILES; ear –to-ear, happy, giggly SMILES. It works every time!! Uptightness be gone!!!

Sending that SMILE out and about - it will be in your vicinity soon!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

Friday, March 1, 2013


Eh bien – I always thought I was a great grandmother; now my grandson, Fred, and his little girlfriend, Marie, are proving it! Fred is ecstatic – he’ll be a daddy in October! My daughter doesn’t know whether to cry or to laugh – it will be her first grandchild. Tee-hee! I remember feeling the same when she told me she was expecting Fred. And the beat goes on!

That huge hunk of snow/ice hanging off the roof on the snow fence? It came down, and took a good part of my gallery railing with it. Bummer. But at least no-one got hurt, which very easily could have happened. Fortunately I had bought much more railing than was needed (no darned good at measuring at all!), and have it stored in the garage. There’s another renovation project for the spring.

I got my summaries off in good time, so all is well on that front. I also made the second batch of bread in my new-fangled machine. It is perfect! Light and chewy and delicious with butter and apple jelly!

I was more than appalled when I read on Facebook about my beautiful, young niece being accosted on the street by an ignorant, vulgar male who thought he had the right to put his hand in his pants and offer her ‘some’. She is an intelligent young lady who had the presence to tell him where to go, and she also published it on Hollaback. Do you know this organisation? In its own words: Hollaback is a movement powered by a network of local activists around the world to end street harassment. We work together to better understand street harassment, to ignite public conversations, and to develop innovative strategies to ensure equal access to public spaces. We envision a world where street harassment is not tolerated and where we all enjoy equal access to public spaces.

This is my comment on her Facebook status: This kind of thing didn't happen when I was young, but now seems to occur more and more. Mothers of this generation: be warned. Teach your children that intimidation and vulgarity are totally unacceptable. It's all very well to fight the present situation, but so very important to keep it from happening over and over again. The power to end it NOW is up to us; the power to end it forever rests with parents of today.

If we ever heard of one of our male family members lowering themselves to do such a thing, there would be HELL to pay in our realm! Respect of others is a ‘must’; no excuses accepted.

I could go on and on about the subject, but I risk getting terribly upset, and it’s getting late, and the warm, lavender scented water is waiting in my Jacuzzi, and hopefully Morpheus is already installed in my I send y’all a great big SMILE, and say goodnight!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.