Friday, October 29, 2010


Ha! Ha! Ha! I giggled yesterday when someone who reads my blog asked me ‘Who is this guy Morpheus? Sounds quirky – handcuffing him to the bed?’ I actually considered letting her think that Morpheus was a new flame…but I decided to be wise and contribute to the interrogator’s education instead. “Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams and a very elusive fellow indeed for insomniacs like myself,” I answered. Now the remarks in my Blog had a whole new meaning for her, and are probably far less exciting, LOL!

Working from home means spending a lot of time on the telephone, and yesterday was no exception. My ear was sore and swollen by four o’clock. However, there were a couple of new leads for our health service, and that’s a good thing.

I have to wonder where I’ll find enough energy to keep it all going. It helps when I get adequate sleep, but the amount of sleep I get is directly related to the activity in my mind which, in turn, is needed to plan procedures to get the company back on its feet which, in the end, will depend on the energy used to carry out the plans; that same energy which is related to the amount of sleep I get…and we’re right back to the beginning of the circle! Age is a factor too, I guess, although I know people older than me who hop on their bicycle and pedal from Montreal to Rigaud, play tennis at least once a week, and never seem to stop. And yes, I’m talking about you, my friend, Kilroy!

The financial stress we are dealing with at the moment doesn’t help either. It dominates my thoughts. Advisors tell me it is all part of business; learn to deal with it, don’t take it so seriously. I stand there nodding. Yep. Okay. Got that. Except…I don’t like it, and I hate the feeling of reoccurring panic that appears as soon as the advisors are out of sight. I’m sure a lot of my necessary energy is wasted just by talking myself out of the panic!

My, oh my! Can’t I get myself in turmoil so early in the morning?

Don’t worry, folks; it’s just a bit of venting. All it takes to bring me up is the thought of my family, my friends, and the multitude of good things in this adventurous world. I’m one of those ‘glass is half-full’ people, and fully believe that, no matter what happens, or what kind of challenge you face, it’s always easier to take care of it when you’re SMILING! Life does go on, and my life is good!

Besides….the HABS are playing again tonight…..

Have a good day, y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Un adage dit que le ciel aide ceux qui s'aident eux mêmes et on ne peut pas dire que tu ne pousses pas pour y arriver. Question de temps. Moi aussi je commence à être jaloux quand j'entends parler que ce gars là Morphéus tourne alentour de toi pas mal, et souvent, et quasiment tous les jours. Si c'est pas une histoire à faire jaser la communauté des Dunani,Tout peut éclater en scandale. Shame on you Heckles (LOL) Bonne journée...Kilroy...xx