Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It’s 5 AM. The elusive Morpheus didn’t stick around very long. Maybe he was carried away on those strong winds I hear blowing outside. The doggies decided they might as well go out, seeing that I was up anyway. When I opened the door I noted that the air is quite warm. It’s still too early for Indian summer, isn’t it? Doesn’t that usually happen in mid or late October? I don’t believe we’ve had the first killing frost…or maybe I just didn’t notice. It could have happened during one of the rare times I actually slept longer than 4 hours in a row.

Most of the day yesterday was spent on the telephone (for business purposes), which meant that I hardly made a dent in the huge boxes of files I had carried home. I did meet the client though, then stopped in at my daughter’s house just in time to join her for supper. She enjoyed her visit to Las Vegas, mostly because of the Cirque de Soleil show she attended, but said she wouldn’t bother returning there, the scare on the airplane aside. None of my family is very awed by ‘glitter and glamour’. Put us beside a lake or an ocean or at the hockey arena, or throw a huge family party, and we’re happy.

My associate arrived very late from his out-of-town meeting. I could tell he was tired, and offered to reschedule our appointment, but I think he was just as anxious to clear the air as I was. We have been friends for a long time, and neither of us wanted to lose that part. He understood what I was saying, and the reasoning behind it, and agreed that the changes were necessary. He even offered some good suggestions to make things easier. I did note that he had more information than I had bestowed, which tells me there is someone in my office who is not respecting confidentiality. From his slip, I knew immediately who it was. That ‘someone’ will be told later today to pack up and leave by the end of next week. There is no room in our new organisation for a blabbermouth (my grandma’s terminology), or someone who plays both sides of the fence in an attempt save his own butt at the expense of others.

I can hear Bud snoring on his cushion. The sound is so comfortable that I think I’ll try bed one more time. It would be great if I could get another hour or so of snoozing before leaving for the office. If that happens, I am SMILING! It doesn’t take much, does it? I hope your smiles come easy today too!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec


polichon said...

Çà prend une ou deux bonnes gelées avant qu'apparaisse l'été indien, ce que nous n'avons pas eu encore. Smart move to be on your own in the business. Si tu veux un tuyau, ne donne pas la vraie raison pour le congédiement....Simplement que tu n'as plus d'ouvrage pour elle ou lui. Le sujet est délicat et difficile à prouver. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je parle de cela parce que je suis certain que tu y as déjà pensé, mais des fois sous l'effet de la colère....? Bonne journé

polichon said...

Ton chien se sert d'un divan plus confortable que le mien. Il est chanceux lui? Si c'est cà une vie de chien, il n'est pas à plaindre.