Thursday, October 21, 2010


I should be sleeping right now. I have a meeting at 1:30 PM this afternoon with my ex-associate and his bankruptcy lawyer, and I’m not looking forward to it. Unpleasant at the best of times, it’s even more so when it touches your own affairs – like amounts due that risk disappearing within the labyrinth of negotiations and paperwork. I’ve been told that there is a chance his company will be saved. I highly doubt it, but what do I know about that kind of wheeling and dealing? Lawyers have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves, so…maybe. Time will tell. My office spent hours preparing the necessary documents yesterday, and I continued from home during the night (long live the internet!), much to my doggies’ disapproval. There was no walk, and very little attention from the mistress. How do you explain to a mutt that the hours you are spending at the computer is putting food into their bowls? Grump-puppy gives me the ‘look’ each time I go to refresh my coffee, and Bud is ignoring me completely after being pushed away the umpteenth time, LOL. Fortunately they don’t hold a grudge; just a sign that I am available for their affection will be all it takes to make them happy again. Gotta love doggies!

My head is a jumble of numbers, and my body oozing coffee, so any attempt to catch a snooze before leaving for the city will probably be futile. I have to try though, because I’ll be limper than a dishrag and probably brain-dead by noon if I don’t get a least a couple more hours of sleep. I’m hoping the change by writing this will help lull the frenzy. If my words don’t make much sense, put it down to my present zombie status, LOL. I’ll post it anyway, and apologize tomorrow if I find any errors while reading it over.

Next year, when I look back on 2010, I won’t be able to say it was a good year for much other than learning some hard lessons and, hopefully, for overcoming all the sh*t that has been going on since the month of January. I’m not speaking just for myself either. It seems that many of us are not having an easy time of it. I hope the stars of the universe are better aligned in the coming 2011. If not, I’m going to be investing heavily in some ‘positive thinking’ reading material.

Okay, after a paragraph like that one, I know it’s time to quit writing now. I’ll leave it in here, because it’s what I’m feeling at the moment, but tomorrow is another day. I’m off to cuddle my forlorn doggies for a few minutes, then hit the sack for a bit. When I get up later, the first thing I’ll put on will be my SMILE. It may be dozy, but it will be there; I can never keep it off for long. Beside, the HABS are playing tonight……and there we go!

Have a good day, y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

WOW...un avocat de faillites dans le non plus je n'aimerais pas çà. Tiens tes doigts croisés. Souviens toi que l'important c'est ta santé. Le reste est sans importance...Je sais, je sais, le dire est facile, mais le vivre....? Répète toi souvent dans la tête:-"Je suis forte, intègre, puissante, parfaite, radieuse, éclairée et inspirée". C'est de l'autosuggestion, et çà fonctionne. J'ai lu çà dans un livre du dr. Murphy dans "The Power of Positive Thinking. Tu vois que je me la suis répétée souvent cette phrase puisque je m'en souviens encore. Lâche pas la patate.