Friday, October 8, 2010


Not much sleep in the past three days. When I was younger, my insomnia didn’t seem to be such a pain in the butt. I could party late with the best of them, and the next morning was still in good shape to get my children up and off to school, then complete my own work day, being very little the worse for wear. About once or twice a week, I would snooze a good 8 to 12 hours in a row, and all was fine. The cycle, although irregular, would begin all over again. I was used to it, as was my family. It actually was quite handy at times.

Then age started throwing a wrench into the works; my body would keep going but the brain shifted into neutral. I’m not a fan of medication, so I tried to find different solutions to the problem. I’m not sure how many books I have on ‘sleeping habits’; there was yoga, then exercise, then meditation. Each of them worked for a short while. It may be a hereditary thing. My mom only started to sleep when she hit 70, probably because the amount of pills she took by that time would have put down a small horse, permanently! That’s not a road I want to walk.

Needless to say, the type of work I do requires that my brain be alert. Accounting, for some reason, has a reputation for being boring. It’s not. It is challenging, and even more so when one realizes that a slight mistake can show a very different picture. Clients depend on you to be accurate, a greedy government badgers you constantly, and your employees are confident that you will catch any error THEY may make before it goes too far. If one also adds hours of driving to the equation, it’s easy to see that a sleepy brain is not an option. So now what?

I haven’t got the faintest idea.

In the meantime, seeing that I’ve slept only 12 hours in the past 3 days, and that is now 6 AM and nearly time to leave for the office, and that there is no way I’ll be able to drive in my present zombielike state, I shall sign off and go looking for Mr. Morpheus. Hopefully he will agree to spend another couple of hours with me.

Fortunately, the lack of sleep has not made me grouchy, only dozy, so I can still send you my SMILE. The eyes may be slightly vacant, but the feeling is sincere, and that counts.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

Il doit s'en passer des idées dans la tête quand morphé décide de faire son smatt et de ne pas se montrer la bine. Un mini radio avec écouteurs à l'oreille, style walkie talkie, à écouter des talk shows plates aident à s'endormir. On ne pense à rien en les écoutant(Just an idea) et c'est un produit naturel. Ou une marche tout nue dans le bois à 11h le soir, çà calme en titi, çà gèle les idées ben raide. Une autre de mes idées.

polichon said...

Je viens de lire un article qu'une femme a réglé son problème d'insomnie en absorbant des capsules d'oméga-3, trois par jour. Tout d'un coup çà aide. My wife's dr just prescribed her vitamins with the product. I'm trying