Sunday, October 10, 2010


I didn’t get one lick of housework done after all, and have company coming later. That means I’ll be racing around, trying to finish up everything before they arrive, and I just hate it when I do this to myself!! (Sigh), as Kabu would say. From hard-earned experience, I know things will turn out okay; the house will end up in some semblance of order, the turkey will be cooked in time, and there will be enough food to go around. And, by the time everyone leaves tonight, yours truly be one wilted flower!

Wanting to be home whenever the electrician would be coming around, I decided to go for the groceries immediately after writing my blog yesterday. The Thanksgiving crowd was out and about town. It was busy everywhere! I returned to the house later than planned, and had only the time to unload the groceries when Helen dropped in. That she needed to talk was evident, so everything was put on hold as I tried to comfort my friend. She had no sooner left than the phone started to ring; from my ex-associate, to friends, to my children. Most of the afternoon was spent clutching an idle dust mop in one hand and the receiver in the other. What’s more, the darned electrician dude never did show up!

Around 5 PM, after a couple of cajoling calls from my Cubans, I decided to go for supper with them after all, hockey or no hockey. Imagine my delight when I arrived at their house to find the oldest son had installed a TV in the dining room, and the HABS were doing their thing! SO COOL! I have to admit that I wasn’t much of a guest. With my eyes glued nearly 100 percent of the time on the screen, my contribution to the conversation around the dinner table was minimal. They did get to watch me yell and dance when the Habs scored the winning goal at the last minute – so I imagine I was dubbed the entertainment for the night, LOL!

I wasn’t late getting back home, but certainly not into housework at that time. I played with the doggies for a bit. After being practically ignored all day, they were quite adamant about receiving loving attention. Then it was into the Jacuzzi, and into bed. Morpheus was very accommodating last night; he held me tight for a straight 6 hours.

The first coffee is out of the way, Kilroy’s blog has been read, so things are looking up. On goes the music, out come the pails & soap – it’s rock ‘n roll on Thanksgiving Sunday! But not before wishing you all a great day, and sending you a huge SMILE!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

J'étais certain que tu resterais à la maison hier au soir à regarder le hockey. Le hasard fait bien les choses, une invitation à souper, en plus la chance de regarder le hockey chez ton hôte, rien de trop beau. Good for you. à quand le ménage? Je ne suis pas certain que c'est comme tu dis:"Our come the pails and soap...Je te gage que les chaudières sont encore dans le garde robe, et que déjà il y a du monde dans la maison. C'est comme çà que çà se passe habituellement...non? au diable le ménage...à demain, on appelle çà "procrastination"...oui? bonne journée avec ta gang.