Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My bank was waiting on me with ‘une brique et un fanal’. The expression translates into English as ‘a brick and a spot-light, or lantern’. It means that the bank was expecting me, and they were NOT happy, so I was NOT well received. This is the fourth time there has been a problem, they stated, so the privilege of direct deposit from my business account is discontinued. Not only does it affect the pays of my employees, but it was also a service offered to other clients, for which they paid, and which I can no longer sell at the moment…so money lost. The bank official was very sympathetic, but very firm. It doesn’t matter who or why – the account is in my company’s name, so my company is ultimately responsible. I can’t say I was surprised. I had warned my ex-associate that it could happen, that his deposits had to be on time. Once again, it was late, and short.

I realize that he is wrapped up in his own dilemma. I repeat again – I wouldn’t want to be in his shoes. However, when I gave him the news, he didn’t even apologize. Not that it would fix anything, but it would at least let me know he is aware that his actions, although not completely in his control, are causing me havoc too. Instead, he continued talking about something else; maybe because, even knowing that his hands are tied, I stressed that it was HIS fault. I couldn’t stop myself from saying it; my feelings were running so high at the time. I’m sure he already felt bad, and didn’t need the extra little push from my side. I abhor kicking a man when he’s down, but damn it! I still think he should have said ‘I’m sorry’!!

Okay – enough said. More clichés can describe this fiasco: two wrongs don’t make a right, and it’s no use crying over spilled milk. One just has to be more careful in the future. Another lesson learned. It will take some time, but we shall build things back up and make my bank smile again. Quite fickle, are our banks. It doesn’t matter how the money is obtained – deposit it with them and they are happy, happy!

With a change of subject, my niece missed her flight this morning. We left for the airport quite early, but the rush hour was particularly dense. She managed to book another that was leaving 3 hours later, and is now back in NB. My whole family, especially my bro, is still glowing from her visit!

Speaking of my bro, his appointment at the hospital was faster. The doctor prescribed antibiotics for pneumonia, and Champex, a cease-smoking aid. He mentioned a meeting to be held with his colleagues where they’ll try to find a way of repairing the hole in my bro’s throat. The hole, caused by radiation treatments, allows food particles to go down into the lungs when he swallows, therefore the lungs are continually susceptible to infection. We’ll be advised further when we return for the lung scan in November.

Now, believe it or not, it is only 8:00 PM and I can feel Morpheus lurking around the corner. He has impeccable timing tonight. Is it the near-full moon, I wonder? I need to rise very early to complete the work on a project for the office, so will bid you sweet dreams, slip into my warm, bubbly Jacuzzi, and grab that Morpheus tight before he disappears. If he sticks around for awhile, you can be sure I’ll be SMILING!

Nite y’all!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

T'es pas mal bonne....Capable de dormir avec toutes ces contraintes. Je me vois à ta place faire face seule à ton gars de la banque. Est-ce que vraiment que tu ressens que tu vas te sortir de ce marasme causé par tes ex.? Est-ce que çà aiderait si tu changeais de banque? Juste une idée. KILR....xxxx

polichon said...

I like the cartoon. A kid wanting to break his piggy bank...C'est cute....J'ai tout compris. Celle là je n'aurais pas su où le trouver.