Monday, August 9, 2010


The Weather Network did it again – two nice bright days for the weekend they predicted. I guess one out of two ain’t bad. Saturday was splendid sunshine, not too warm – beautiful. Sunday was rain, sometimes drumming down, sometimes falling gently – also beautiful. I enjoy sitting out on the gallery watching a storm. I know one is supposed to stay inside, away from windows, etc., but how can you feel the real essence of the weather from inside? The roof ledge kept us dry; I say us because Grump-puppy and the beautiful Louka (her owner told me to get the name right!) were there beside me, each choosing a spot as close to me as possible without actually climbing on my knee. When it started to pour, Bud elected to hide in the garage instead of climbing all the stairs.

My brother, the Bird, and Fran showed up with ribs, already prepared for the BBQ, and a bottle of wine for supper Saturday night. I had made lemon tarts, so we were all set for the complete meal. Bird spent some of his time trying to repair my microwave oven. The plastic part of the door catch broke when I was using it that afternoon. I’ll have to invest in a new one – there is no way to fix it correctly, and it would cost just as much to send it away to a shop.

On Sunday I needed a ‘baby-fix’, so I called, then went to visit my son with his three sons, LOL. Nalou was his quiet, cuddly self; and Bali, ever the live-wire. The energy of that lad is astounding. The baby, Tao, has changed so much in such a short time, as babies tend to do. I took my fill of tickling, and hugs, and kisses before leaving. The glow stayed with me the rest of the day.

My daughter and granddaughter stopped at the house for a short time last evening. Shan left with some of the Salade d’Amour I had prepared during the afternoon. There is a little too much garlic in it; so much that taking some for lunch at the office today might not be a good idea. I’m not sure that the clients would be as tolerant as the doggies are when it comes to garlicky breath.

There was no news from my associate during the weekend. No news is good news? I’m not so sure. Whatever the results, good or bad, we’ll somehow handle it. In the meantime, there’s a list of things to be done for our new project – the residences. One of the houses we visited is quite old and, even if it is ideally situated and extremely beautiful (if you’re into older buildings), I’ve contacted an inspector to go over it. I’m not sure the wiring and plumbing is up to par, and any renovation expense of that type will have to be deducted from the purchase amount. Due to vacation and lay-offs, I’ll be alone at the office this week, so it’s going to be a juggling act to keep things on schedule. I have a feeling the doggies will be spending many hours alone for the next few days.

It’s time to get a move on. Enjoy your day, live it with a SMILE!
Everyday may not be good, but there’s something good in every day- Author unknown

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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