Thursday, August 5, 2010


My, there are some beautiful houses in this area. Unfortunately, for what we want to do, each place we visited would require added construction which, in turn, increases the cost involved. Because one from our trio is on vacation next week, we have delayed visiting the next two residences on the list until her return.

The lack of sleep the night before caught up to me on the drive home. I found myself nodding off while on the auto route, so I called my daughter and told her to chat to me for a bit. It’s difficult, and dangerous, to pull over there, especially with so much roadwork going on. When I finally got on the 50, where there is more room, I did stop the truck and got out to walk around for a few minutes. It had become a necessity. That worked – and I made it home safely. I put the doggies outside, changed into PJ’s then went to get some air on the gallery….and fell to sleep on my swing. I woke to a face-wash from wet tongues of three hungry canines looking for supper, LOL! Needless to say, feeding the dogs is about all I accomplished before the Jacuzzi and bed beckoned. I vaguely heard the numerous resident hounds barking now and then throughout the night – something was wandering around in the bush outside – but still enjoyed my snooze until 3:30 AM. The lady is feeling much better now!

My computer dude is to come here early this morning and change my internet system. The monthly cost of my satellite is very high, but was valid because I could log onto my office computer from home, saving time and gas money. For some reason, probably because Hughes sold more air-time in this area, I can no longer reach the office. When we called the provider, I was told that such a service was not guaranteed; in other words, too bad, so sad. My technician was able to find a buyer for my system, and will install another (from Rogers, I think) that answers my needs. At the same time, the new antenna will also enable cellular phones and the alarm system to function up here in the mountains. I will have to pay a cancellation fee to Hughes (of course!) but will save money in the long run, because the monthly fee of the new installation is at least $100 lower. What is even more important is that it WILL provide what I am paying for!!

Seeing that there was not much done in this house last night, I’ll sign off now and attempt to catch up on the duties. Hope you all have a good day, and that at least one thing will happen to bring on your SMILE. I’m already wearing mine!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Grande sagesse que de s'arrêter quand le corps ne veut plus suivre. Çà m'est déjà arrivé de m'endormir sur la roue. Par chance qu'il n'y avait pas trop de trafique en sens inverse parce que je prenais le fossé . C'est le clignotement des feux de l'auto d'en avant qui m'a réveillé. J'étais jeune, mais depuis ce temps là, je n'ai jamais pris d chance, je m'endors, j'arrête. Est-ce que le rêve des trois madames aurait reçu une douche d'eau froide en voyant l'énormité de leur projet. Je m'excuse de poser la question, ce n'est pas connaître la mentalité Pitt bull de l'une d'entre elles.