Friday, August 20, 2010


I’m sure you have all had those days where just everything seems to go right. That was what happened to me this August 19th, 2010. Well, actually, it all started the night before.

The inspector gave us thumbs up for the second house on our list, even going so far as to say it was a “key in hand” residence, meaning we could open immediately after purchase; anything to repair is minor. Our meeting (the partners) after the visit was extremely positive. Each person had done the homework required – all things point to ‘GO’!

Line, being from out of town, slept over at my home. Maybe it was fatigue, maybe the good vibes, but we spent a couple of hours laughing over little things as the doggies played around us. Bud was feeling much better; nearly his own rambunctious self; that alone was a relief.

The next morning my friend Kilroy, who has been away on vacation, dropped in at the office. Okay, maybe it was to get his computer fixed, LOL, but I had the pleasure of chatting with him anyway. The rest of the day was busy – two new clients, the return of a former client, and great news concerning one who has been having a problem with the government. Our efforts for her have been successful – she has won her case. To top it off, my associate called to tell us that his dilemma seems to be working out in our favour too.

On my way home, I stopped to cheer for my grandson– he scored two of the seven goals that won the soccer game for his team. It’s the first time I’ve attended a match, and he told me the goals were scored for me! Cool, huh?

I was not even in the house yet when my cellular rang. It was a third partner (our nurse) advising me that our plans for the ‘home-away-from home’ residences for seniors have been welcomed with open arms by the Health and Social services in our area. They have offered to help in any way they can, and confirmed that our approach is a new and refreshing way to deal with an existing problem. They foresee nothing but success in our venture.

The final touch of my evening was to read Kilroy’s blog – he wasn’t writing during his vacation, and it seemed something was missing when I couldn’t read him each day.

After a decent night’s sleep, I woke this morning to sunshine – it feels like the good fortune is still happening! Life is good, and I’m SMILING!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Hey que c'est beau de lire l'enthousiasme qui se dégage dans ce blog. Les bonnes nouvelles apportent toujours du soleil dans le quotidien. Hourrah pour les trois mousquetaires si le projet se matérialise, Gardez moi une place quand je devrai marcher avec des béquilles.