Wednesday, August 4, 2010


It’s 3:15 AM, and here I am blogging. Not a personal choice – I’d rather be sleeping, which is what I did from 10 PM to just after midnight then – boing! Eyes wide open, brain in gear, and Morpheus out of sight. I’ve decided to stop fighting my insomnia. The effort only leads to frustration. When I find I’m getting too tired to function, I resort to Pure Rest, a natural product, but not one that I want to take every night. It’s for emergency only. I have come to realize that I NEVER was able to sleep what is considered ‘normal’ hours, even as a child, so there has to be a reason for it. It doesn’t appear that it will change anytime soon either, so I’ll go with the flow. Fortunately, most of the time I can get away with it. There is no punch clock at the office. A lot of the work I do can be done at any hour of the day. Yep, I’m one of the lucky ones, and I appreciate it!

One of my colleagues, also a very good friend, spent the last two nights as a guest at my home. We, together with a retired nurse, have been visiting huge houses in my mountain area. It’s with a new venture in mind; that of creating a few (4 minimum), small, exclusive, rest homes for the elderly. We want ‘home away from home’ services; nothing that resembles the institutional atmosphere of affordable places. Not everyone has the means to stay in the now popular ‘Club-Med’ complexes. Our initial research tells us that there is a lack of residences available for those between near destitute and affluent; catering to the middle-class would be a good description. Probably because of our ages (all 50+), we have empathy for those who need to leave their home because they are no longer physically able to keep it up, but are not able to live alone or with family for one reason or another, yet still want to have some control in their lives. If they desire a cup of tea in the middle of the night, they want to be able to get up and make one without a hassle. It’s a project in the works, and has got my adrenaline going. It is also a tentative bid for security when my own time for help arrives, LOL!

Well now, my Bud is lying at my feet and his snores have convinced Morpheus to show himself again. I’ll grab the occasion and go back to bed. Sending you all a big SMILE and a wish for sweet dreams!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Koolcat rides again. C'est correct. Je me demande bien qui a pu penser à un projet comme celui là. Je soupçonne l'infirmière de Brownburg ou de Lachute, ensuite ,et toi, tu as embarqué et Line suit. Right?
Je vous souhaite de réussir. Le meilleur moyen de ne pas vieillir est d'avoir des projets....beaucoup de non, assieds toi dans ta chaise berçante et attend...ce qui n'est pas ton style.