Monday, August 30, 2010


It was a bright afternoon when disaster stuck. Bring nocturnal creatures, they were not prepared for the rude invasion. Suddenly their homes were swept away. In panic they scattered, running in fright every which way; feeling themselves being lifted, swayed, then thrown to the ground. Fortunately, their agility served them well, and immediately on landing they scurried with haste to find hiding places. Each was successful. They would live to work another day.

The above paragraph is what was running through my mind as I prepared to wash my windows today. The creatures were the numerous spiders I removed (true, rather rudely) with a broom before using the spray and the squeegee. I use a broom rather than a vacuum because I don’t want to kill them; I just wanted them out of the way so I can get the job done. Contrary to most women I know, spiders don’t frighten me. Industrious little creatures, their pest control abilities are nothing to laugh at. I very rarely am bothered by pesky mosquitoes or flies while sitting on my gallery swing. Besides, I can spend hours admiring their work, fascinated as I watch them spin their intricate webs.

The windows stayed clear until the sun went down and then, sure enough, the spiders got busy. The top corners of each window are now sporting a new delicate, but deadly, design. Beware, pesky pests!!!

I also did all my floors on this beautiful sunny day. Tonight, events brought me visitors who walked all over those nice shiny, wooden floors without removing their boots. So much for those two hours of labour! They were, however, the kind of visitors that one does not ask to remove their footwear on entering and, sad to say, they were most welcome. But that’s another story. It’s also the reason that it is 3:30 AM and I haven’t yet had a moment of sleep. The emotional turmoil the visitors left behind does not bode well for Morpheus’ tonight. I’m pretty certain he won’t show up at all.

Ah, well. Everything happens for a reason. I do hope, however, that you are all snoozing comfortably at this moment. Or, if not, having a warm cup of milk to help you do so. Maybe tomorrow, if you read my post, my concern for those little spiders will make you SMILE. Seeing how quickly the new webs went up did it for me.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Ô cœur tendre qui ne peut tuer une mouche, encore moins une araignée, difficile d'écraser ces malfaiteurs qui viennent salir ton plancher en veillée te laissant le cœur brisé et t'empêchant de trouver sommeil. Des mauvaises nouvelles sans doute
GRGRGR.Comment tu peux garder le sourire, seule une anglaise peut faire ca. Kilr. xxx