Saturday, August 21, 2010


We’re celebrating my daughter-in-law’s birthday today – she is now all of 29 years old. I’m not sure I can remember being that age, LOL!

We were supposed to gather at my oldest son’s new house in the city, but construction on the bridges this weekend thwarted those plans. The drive would take at least an hour longer, and no-one wants to try that with 3 young children in the car. We decided to hold it here in the bush, which is closer for everyone, except my oldest son. He grumbled a little, but was actually the one to suggest the change of location. No doubt we’ll have a great day; our family get-togethers are always fun. It does mean that I have some running around to do – go to town to buy a bag of corn, a cake, and other snacks; get the vacuuming done, and remove anything that is fragile and accessible to little fingers. Unfortunately, the weather is not co-operating. We were planning a fire outside this evening, but the clouds tell me rain is on the agenda. Still, one never knows. The temperature changes so quickly and so often.

On the work front, good fortune is still playing its hand. Another of our former clients called yesterday looking for help. He’s to come to the office Monday with his boxes of documents. In the meantime, information needed for the seniors’ home is pouring in by telephone, by fax, by e-mail. It’s rock ‘n roll and we love every moment!

The only dark spot was the 2nd day absence of my young stagiare (temp-worker). She is a student; an extremely pretty young lady who began her training last Monday. She didn’t show up on Thursday or Friday. She didn’t call, and wasn’t answering her phone when we tried to reach her. Not knowing if she lives alone or not, worried that something has happened, I called the school that sent her to us. The supervisor there was surprised, and said she would follow up and get back to me. There was still no news when I left the office last night. We get many requests from colleges and students during the year. Each student is required to work in an office for a short period before obtaining a graduation certificate. We can only accommodate a certain number; I had to refuse several students because I had already accepted this girl’s application. I hope her excuse is valid. If not, she is being extremely irresponsible by taking away someone else’s chance to complete the course.

I’m off to run my errands and to prepare for the family invasion! Have a great day, folks! May there be as many SMILES in your home as will be in mine today!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

1 comment:

polichon said...

Moi je me souviens très bien ce que j'ai fait à l'âge de 29 me suis marié. Un vieil adage dit: "Le beau temps après la tempête". Cà semble être vrai pour toi, et tant mieux. Je te trouve pas mal forte pour survivre à toutes ces intempéries. Moi je n'ai eu qu'un petit problème d'ordinateur et me voilà tout énervé, le cœur qui me bat fort. On n'a plus les nerfs qu'on avait.