Sunday, August 15, 2010


The real estate agent was already at the house when I arrived, and the inspector showed up shortly after. I made the introductions. The agent seemed satisfied that he wasn’t wasting his time when M. disclosed that he worked for the provincial association responsible for home inspections. We went over the house room by room, M. armed with a camera, and myself jotting down any remarks he made about renovations needed. One of the elderly residents was sitting in his room watching television, and kindly agreed, for a second time, to let us come in to look around. I introduced myself to him as the men inspected the pipes under the sink, the ceiling, etc.

“Are you thinking of buying the place?” he asked. I answered that yes, it was quite possible. He then told me that he had his own house in the small town close by, but that his children and family didn’t like him staying alone. He repeated, “But I do have my own house.” So the agent was right, I thought silently. They are worried about having to move.

Aloud I reassured him, “That’s okay, Mr D…. If we buy here, you can just stay on with us if you wish.” I smiled at him. “You’ll be our first official client, and you can show us the ropes!!” Relief was evident in the smile he returned, as he answered “Thank you, that’s nice to know.”

Two hours later, M. and I were sitting at the local Tim Horton’s, sipping coffee while he gave me the lowdown. It was much as I’d thought. Although he agreed that the century old house was beautiful, and would be a gem for any contractor able to do all the repairs himself, it would require substantial expense before even opening for business. This could, of course, be figured into the purchase offer. However, it would delay start-up by at least two months, if not more. He then agreed to come with us next Tuesday evening to see another of the four places we have been considering. I offered payment for his time, which he adamantly refused.

You see, subtle signs point to this venture being a success. M., who is an authentic building inspector, is one of my son’s best friends. He was one of the lads sharing an apartment with us for those years I lived in the city. Another of my partners has an artist friend whose talent is refurbishing walls and ceilings so that they blend in with original décor, and who is willing to help out at little cost too. Because of our existing agency, we have access to a bank of competent nursing home workers, and a third partner is herself a retired nurse, with invaluable experience in the field. Add to this the thought that our families are wholeheartedly supporting our idea, and the lack of adequate care for seniors throughout the province, and one can’t help but be enthusiastic.

Today, however, all that will be put aside while I take care of my own home. Laundry, floors, windows to wash are on the agenda. I also need to spend time with the doggies; I can tell they are lonesome and bored. They were shut up in the house alone while I worked longer hours last week, and yesterday the inspection, then my babysitting, kept me away from them again. Although pits are more independent than most breeds, they still need plenty of love and attention.

Isn’t it true that when you are surrounded by love, you, yourself, seem to have more of it to bestow? Yesterday, inspector M. caring enough to help out; the sweet cuddles from my little grandsons, and this morning already a call from my daughter just to say hi and giggle together; followed by another from my DIL, who got in touch to say thanks and continued to chat and laugh about the boys’ antics… two adoring doggies coming to put their heads on my knee, tails wagging in anticipation of spending time together. All of it genuine, all of it precious, and the glow starts in my heart then quickly spreads to keep me floating in its rosy haze.

The weather is fine, the music is rockin’, and life is good! If my SMILE was any bigger, I would need another face to hold it. I’m sending it out to you as I wish you a happy day; I’m confident you will pass it on…because love IS contagious!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

je sens beaucoup d<enthousiasme dans ton projet. est ce que tu vas laisser tomber ton commerce de comptabilite. ou garder les deux. de retour a montreal demain soir. fin de semaine occupee. salut kilr

polichon said...

j<ai relu ton blog et je te sens hiper a propos de ce projet. J<espere que ca va fonctionner...salut