Friday, March 1, 2013


Eh bien – I always thought I was a great grandmother; now my grandson, Fred, and his little girlfriend, Marie, are proving it! Fred is ecstatic – he’ll be a daddy in October! My daughter doesn’t know whether to cry or to laugh – it will be her first grandchild. Tee-hee! I remember feeling the same when she told me she was expecting Fred. And the beat goes on!

That huge hunk of snow/ice hanging off the roof on the snow fence? It came down, and took a good part of my gallery railing with it. Bummer. But at least no-one got hurt, which very easily could have happened. Fortunately I had bought much more railing than was needed (no darned good at measuring at all!), and have it stored in the garage. There’s another renovation project for the spring.

I got my summaries off in good time, so all is well on that front. I also made the second batch of bread in my new-fangled machine. It is perfect! Light and chewy and delicious with butter and apple jelly!

I was more than appalled when I read on Facebook about my beautiful, young niece being accosted on the street by an ignorant, vulgar male who thought he had the right to put his hand in his pants and offer her ‘some’. She is an intelligent young lady who had the presence to tell him where to go, and she also published it on Hollaback. Do you know this organisation? In its own words: Hollaback is a movement powered by a network of local activists around the world to end street harassment. We work together to better understand street harassment, to ignite public conversations, and to develop innovative strategies to ensure equal access to public spaces. We envision a world where street harassment is not tolerated and where we all enjoy equal access to public spaces.

This is my comment on her Facebook status: This kind of thing didn't happen when I was young, but now seems to occur more and more. Mothers of this generation: be warned. Teach your children that intimidation and vulgarity are totally unacceptable. It's all very well to fight the present situation, but so very important to keep it from happening over and over again. The power to end it NOW is up to us; the power to end it forever rests with parents of today.

If we ever heard of one of our male family members lowering themselves to do such a thing, there would be HELL to pay in our realm! Respect of others is a ‘must’; no excuses accepted.

I could go on and on about the subject, but I risk getting terribly upset, and it’s getting late, and the warm, lavender scented water is waiting in my Jacuzzi, and hopefully Morpheus is already installed in my I send y’all a great big SMILE, and say goodnight!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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