Thursday, March 7, 2013


Last night I fell to sleep sitting in my chair, so I missed the end of the Senators/Leafs game. I had been awake for 38 hours, except for a 20 minute morning snooze on the couch. I had crashed with the phone in one hand and cuddling Grump with the other. The call I was expecting is what woke me, and it lead to another, then another, and I was surprised that I was still functioning reasonably well. I didn’t even feel all that tired when I sat down in front of the TV, but it caught up to me, of course. Maybe there is something special in the vitamins I bought from the Organic Food store - usually I’d have been dragging my heels way before the end of the day.

Being awake that long does cause mental lapse, of which I had proof this morning when I was hunting high and low for my purse. I always put it in the same place, but now it wasn’t there. I went through the kitchen, living room, was nowhere to be found. Although certain that I had brought it upstairs after my errands yesterday, I finally went down to the garage and checked in my truck, but no, it wasn’t there either. Hmmm...

I vaguely remembered hearing the dogs bark last night after I had crawled from the chair to my bed. I was too tired to get up and check, and it wasn’t their urgent ‘Stranger is here’ noise, so I had just turned over and continued to sleep. Now I was wondering – could someone have come in and stolen my purse? Nah – unless they knew the person well, and even then, I was sure that the doggies would have raised more fuss. I was still pondering the likelihood of such an event when I tripped over the object of my search. It was on the floor in the hall, just inside the entrance, where I had dropped it to open the door on my arrival yesterday.

So, all is well that ends well. My purse is recovered, the faith in my doggies’ competence is restored, and I can SMILE at my own “Duh” moments. I imagine there will be more before this day is over.

Sharing the SMILE with y’all, as always!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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