Friday, March 8, 2013


UGH!!! It’s the time of year when I realize just how much I have come to HATE the accounting profession. If I never talk to another government revenue agent again, it won’t be too soon. It burns my ass to think we, the citizens, are actually paying the salaries of those mostly arrogant, pompous, patronizing, ...and I have a long list of adjectives I could add here, very few of them favorable.....persons. To be honest, I used to enjoy fencing with them, treated it as a challenge. I’m too tired to do it now. I would rather put my energy elsewhere.

Okay, that’s my b*tching over for the day, LOL!

I see my Dunany Demons are taking a well-earned break. Temperatures are much milder, and the Weather Network is predicting more of the same, with lots of welcome sunshine, until next Thursday, on which day the forecast is for 12 inches of snow. It could, and probably will, change by then. I’m keeping an eye on it because the roof situation is now threatening my satellite installations. My TV flutters on and off occasionally, and I’ve discovered a wire hanging down, all wrapped in the broken snow barrier. There is no use changing it until the roof is clean, yet I’m worried about total interruption during a HABS hockey game. Hopefully enough of the ice will melt and permit some repairs before the next storm. But if the worst does happens and the damaged wire cuts out service, any of my neighbours could risk finding me plunked down in front of their TV until the game is over. I’m considering preparing some loaves of fresh, homemade bread as bribes....just in case.....

Speaking of the HABS, they are playing both days this weekend again. Lovely!! This lady is SMILING!!!

Sharing it with you! And if the HABS win, that SMILE will be dancing!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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