Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It was 4 AM when I heard the rumble and the bang. Ok, I thought, there goes the rest of my front gallery railing. I was right. My office door is completely blocked with the second avalanche of ice and snow that slid off the roof. I’ll wait until daylight to do the inspection; I doubt any is left up there. Fortunately my TV and internet satellites seem to be intact; at least the equipment is still working. According to The Weather Network we are to have warm temperatures all week, then rain for a couple of days. If this is true (whoever heard of a weatherman being wrong?) I can maybe avoid the hours of shoveling, and just let it melt away. There is one heck of a mess to clean up when it’s gone, but no use rebuilding the railing until the roof is either extended or wired with heaters to melt the snow regularly. It had happened once before, and I thought the installation of a metal snow fence would do the trick. Fail!

The insomnia is in full swing. That fickle fellow, Morpheus, didn’t bother showing up at all last night. It’s too late to sleep now – I’m expecting some important business calls. Hopefully they will come in early this morning. I expect by noon I’ll be seriously drooping, with my brain shifting into neutral; not ideal when you are chatting to the tax man.

I was commenting on some posts in Blogit and noted that the time indicated was 11:15, but here it was 2:15 AM. I guess they use their time, and they are located on the west coast? Not that it’s important – I’m just curious. I also read a rather harsh review of the site which was written by an ex-member in 2006. The description sure doesn’t fit the community as I know it, but I suppose it could have changed through the years, and for that I am thankful.

Wishing you all a fun day and I’m sending out SMILES with that wish. You may have to shake them awake when they reach you!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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