Friday, March 15, 2013


I truly love my house. Except when it’s time to wash the floors.

So...once a week, I can’t say I DISLIKE my house, but I tend to grumble about its size during the few hours it takes to clean it. Note that having two doggies (three if we count Louka) coming in and out doesn’t help matters. Oh, and I must not forget Dora, my grandson’s cat who is as often up here as she is down in her own apartment. She plays tag with Smooch, and three times already she has knocked over a plant and dirt came cascading down on the floor and the stairs. Smooch didn’t catch her, and she’s darned lucky that Mistress didn’t catch her either! Well, not until Mistress cooled down some anyway.

Tomorrow night my friends Dawna & Malcolm, who just came back from a 6 week tour in India, and my Cuban couple are coming for supper, so I put some effort into getting this place presentable. The music was loud both in the kitchen area and in the living room; I like stereo music when I work, and the mop is easier to wield when pretending to dance with it. Grump, older and wiser, headed straight for the leather couches and made himself scarce. Smooch, younger and still very curious, decided to be supervisor. He sat 5 feet behind and watched as I gyrated with the mop. When I would get near him, he would move another 5 feet away. This went on until he didn’t have any choice but to climb up on the other leather couch....or to get yelled at. Wise doggie - he chose the couch.

Four hours later and the place looks as okay as it’s going to for the moment. That means tomorrow can be spent cooking, which both the doggies and I enjoy. Kool!!

I’ll be heading for the Jacuzzi now, and then Morpheus and I can slip into a dreamland where we’ll chop and simmer and stir, and drift high in the savory scent of cannelloni aux épinards (spinach), et à la viande au tomates (meat & tomato), and melt in the caress of warm, baked bread.

What do you think? Am I SMILING?

You bet! And, of course, sharing it with y’all.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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