Monday, August 17, 2009


Today is my daughter-in-law’s birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY!! She is the beautiful mama of my two youngest grandchildren, Nalou & Bali, a terrific artist, and a sweet person. I hope my Jo has planned a good time for his lovely lady!

Saturday I started the long-awaited vacation. It was a sunny, hot, ‘about time it’s summer’ day, and besides washing clothes, I spent most of it reading a book – a nice, thick book about a nurse’s experiences in World War II. I did run quickly into the pharmacy to pick up the anti-inflammatory medication for my leg, only to discover that I had either left the darned prescription with the doctor, or lost it when putting the other papers he gave me (for tests) into my purse. Today I’ll have to call him back and ask him to fax it over. I also need to call the clinic to set up the appointment for x-rays.

Yesterday Suzie and I went into the office and cleaned the area for the stagiare who will be starting this morning. It was some hot in the city, I’ll tell you! There was a man painting the stairway in the building entrance and Suzie, wearing her famous high heels, grabbed the wall railing to keep from falling. Her expression was priceless as she stared at her hand full of yellow, oil paint. I was laughing so hard that I could hardly make it up to the top of the stairs, LOL! It didn’t take us long to finish up, and we headed back to the country. As we turned onto Route 50, the change in the air was noticeable – it was so much cooler away from all the asphalt & cement of Montreal. We dropped some empty boxes off for Shan’s move, and then went to Suzie’s house. I only stayed for a few minutes before making my way home – I was ready for a sleep. Toiling in that kind of heat sure saps away energy!

And today? This morning I am preparing work for the stagiare, which I’ll send by e-mail to the office. Then Shan will need my truck at some point today – her automobile has a brake problem so will be in the garage. She needs to pick up the cheque for her house sale from the purchaser’s Notary to drop it off at the bank. Later this week she will be signing the papers to finalize her new home, then it’s moving time. I have phone calls to make, and will start on my list of housecleaning. You can be sure I’ll take time to laze occasionally on the gallery, and to play with the doggies. It is vacation, after all! Later this evening I’ll drop in to give May her birthday card and gift, at the same time get some ‘granny-hugs’ from the little dudes.

One priority of the time away from work will be to catch up on sleep. If that needs to happen during the day, so be it, even if the housecleaning takes place at night. I’ll turn off the phone, and snooze until my body & mind begin to feel normal again. A week should be long enough to fix me up nearly as good as new, before going into the rush of autumn’s workload; and a rush it will be. It has already started.

The Weather Network is promising a day of sunshine again. I hope you can all get out and enjoy it! Don’t forget those SMILES! My own is already all over my face – no rush hour for me this morning! Yipee!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Careful of the underlying trap...on vacation and already thinking of the autumn' work load...Enjoy your week's vacation to the fullest...look at the other side of the mountain where you cannot see Montreal where its hot , sticky and muggy. Put your legs on the table and let the others do the work for you...Enjoy yourself while you are still in the pink.