Wednesday, August 26, 2009


There is nothing quite like a baby’s hug to put your heart right. Last evening I stopped off at my youngest son’s home to pick up papers for his monthly accounting. Mommy was working and, Bali, who turned two in June, was missing her so badly! What good timing for Granny’s arrival! When I picked him up, he put his chubby arms around me and cuddled into my neck; I could feel the warm weight of his lovable, tiny head on my shoulder, and smell that sweet baby scent when I rubbed my nose against his soft, silky hair. Nalou, his four year old brother, got his turn in too. Hugs and kisses galore! A perfect way to wind down the day!

Three years ago I lost two very close friends within months of each other. In both cases their ends were tragic, and the lapse of time between their deaths was way too soon. My mind and heart were reeling from the shock and sadness of it all. I felt the sudden need when I left the second funeral. I made my way to my son’s house. Little Nalou, who was about a year old at the time, had just been put down for his nap, but his parents got him up. Together we watched him as he played around us; copping hugs and kisses, and just cuddling and feeling his warmth for a bit. His expression, his smiles, his embrace….it helped soothe the turmoil inside. It was something precious on a very bad day; a baby’s innocence tempering the despair of loss.

There are certain senior’s residences where visits from nursery school children are greatly encouraged. It is said that the little ones brighten the smiles of many of the elders. The children gaze on those wrinkled faces with wondering eyes, and the wise seniors respond with patience and caring. As in days gone by, and those yet to come, the generations take strength and learn from each other.

Life is good.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Moi qui pensait être un peu trop gaga comme grand père, je m'apercois qu'il y en a d'autres plus gaga(s)que moi, avec un S au pluriel. To have children is a life contract, grand children included. I feel like calling mine every day, but I don't. How's the leg?