Sunday, July 15, 2012


It was a nice time – it always is with this group of young ‘uns. Because the party was held a week in advance this year, none of my personal friends were able to attend, all being busy elsewhere. Besides my own kids, there was also most of those who were on our Mexican trip, so I guess the appropriate term here would be ‘extended family’, LOL! We were in and out of the host’s in-ground pool; adults laughing good naturedly when splashed by bomb dives of the children; chilled sangria punch and an ample cold buffet were distributed by the now-adolescent girls and, darn – but they have grown up so fast since last year!

My youngest son, daddy to the rug rats, had opted for a break from his gruelling schedule of work, boys and renovations. He came alone, and was happy to join me in my truck for the ride back to the house at 3 AM. He crashed on the huge sofa, and I went outside with two very joyful doggies. Our stroll lasted until the sun came up. At 5:30 AM I crawled into bed too, grabbing a short snooze before my son stirred. I drove him back to town for his vehicle, strolled once more with the dogs when I got home, then hit the sack again. I did nothing but sleep off and on the rest of the day.

With Suzie being here, my house has been neglected. Suzie left for Michigan this morning, and I won’t be rug rat sitting for the next two weeks, so it’s the perfect time to get back to serious work (on the business side) and a deep cleaning and shuffling and de-rat-packing...and have I created a new word?

Now that Fred’s little lady is living downstairs, the closets there need to be emptied of stuff that has been stored for ages. She could use the space. My higher level is in the same condition – as are many of the closets on the first level. It will be a Summer-Spring cleaning. I’ve made a self-promise that I really will shut my eyes and throw things into bags and boxes and actually rid myself of them. I mean it this time. Sigh.

One thing that I have been routinely doing is working with Smooch, and it is paying off. Although not yet totally well-behaved, he was much calmer when greeting my son this morning and, although he hesitated some, he did listen to commands in spite of a guest presence. It’s a huge improvement from even a few days ago.

My baby is growing up, and that makes me SMILE.

Sending you your share of those SMILES, folks, and wishing you the sweetest of dreams.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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