Wednesday, July 25, 2012


There is a spiffy new tap in my kitchen – one of those professional jobs high enough to wash huge stew pots, with a removable nozzle that can stretch to spray whatever needs spraying with no problem. Kool! Tired as he was, my son installed it last night when he arrived from work... helped (hindered?) by Smooch, who kept sticking his head under the sink, obscuring the view and being a general nuisance. I could hear Jo’s voice as he talked to the dog, and I’m pretty sure ‘Cute puppy’ is NOT what he was saying, LOL!

We sat and chatted when he finished. My son had stopped off at his own house to see the rug rats on his way home, had a discussion with my DIL, and it looks like the separation is official now. His spirits were much higher. As he said – it was the uncertainty that was the hardest. Now that the decision is made, we bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. My DIL will be out tonight, so he’ll be staying over there with the boys. Some of the weekend will be spent childproofing this house and going over work schedules to make sure everyone is where they need to be when my DIL starts back to shift work on Monday.

A big change in our lives? Oh yes – that’s a given. Fortunately, both parents are determined that it be as easy as possible for the children, as is M’mère (me). Adapting will have its ups and downs, but everyone being on the same wavelength is already a step in the right direction.

Jo has the rug rats here this weekend, and Fred is arriving from Alberta on Friday– a short surprise visit to celebrate his girlfriend’s birthday. I guess you could say I’m going to have a full house. One thing I can guarantee; in spite of the pain brought on by such an event, there will be plenty of love spread around. That’s our family – and that’s what we do best.

And that’s why I’m SMILING!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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