Thursday, July 19, 2012


I have the impression of having just arrived from an extended holiday, and that I am floundering, trying to get back to my normal routine. I suspect it started from Suzie’s presence, resulting in my being away from the house most evenings during her stay. This was followed by the birthday period, which seems to be never ending. I have been continually invited to drop in here and there for a glass of wine to toast the event, not counting the party itself held last Saturday. Then the gift from my oldest son and his wife was a hairdresser’s appointment. That happened late yesterday afternoon and took three hours (!!!). My daughter is dragging me to shop clothes this weekend; it’s her gift for my birthday. Are my children trying to tell me something?

I’ll tell you what I think!! It’s a conspiracy! My family and friends are determined that I no longer “hole yourself up in the house, with just work and doggies”, as they state I have been doing for so long. I believe they got together, decided to allot me some time to recuperate from the hectic and emotional upheaval of the past 4 years, and now, as far as they’re concerned, the period is over. It’s no longer okay to just keep keepin’ on.

I guess I started the ball rolling myself, although totally unaware of what I was setting in motion. I casually mentioned to my daughter that I’ve been chatting to a couple of fellows off and on since a month or so. Both my cousin and step-sister were gung ho about the internet dating sites they had used. After one of their conversations, on one of those sleepless nights, whether from boredom or curiosity, I logged into a couple of the sites to check out the action. After reading for a bit, I decided to set up my profile and see what would happen. The least it could do would be to give me people to chat with in the middle of the night, and I might even get a story out of it! I was pleasantly surprised when, weeding through numerous hits by professional players, I found myself conversing with some people who were sane, were interesting, and were there simply to meet new people outside the bar scene.

On hearing this, my daughter’s expression resembled that of Smooch when you show him a new ball. Oops, I thought. What did I just do?

It’s obvious that she immediately contacted her brothers, maybe some friends too, and that’s where the conspiracy was born! They were going to get their mom back to an active Life; to the same person they knew a few years ago...or something along those lines. My agenda is peppered with social engagements. That’s something I haven’t seen for a good while. I feel a slight nudge of panic as I search the pages for a quiet night at home with my doggies.

I’ll go along for the ride...for now. I must admit I am enjoying it – the call to action has always held an element of excitement. It’s one more reason to SMILE!

And there it goes – cybering its way to y’all! Will be watching for yours in return!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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