Saturday, September 18, 2010


I didn’t get a wink of sleep on Wednesday night, about 3 hours worth on Thursday night, and tonight the pattern is holding. Yes, I could have used some of the natural products to put me out, but circumstances dictated that I be reasonably alert. It didn’t help that the return to work was wild, so the doggies spent 3 days shut inside for approximately 12 hours per day. By the time I would return home, it was dark, and I was too tired to go for walks or to give them much attention. They were antsy. Every little thing moving in the bush during the night sent them racing to the doors or windows, barking and/or wanting to go outside. That, alone, was disturbing. Thankfully I have a great staff and a comfortable futon at the office. After lunch I closed my door and spent an hour wrapped safely in the arms of Morpheus. Those short daytime naps are what kept my engine going.

There is a birthday celebration for my uncle, my mom’s only brother, tomorrow night; rather, tonight, because it’s 3 AM now. My brother and I were planning to attend. It would have been fun to meet and greet all the cousins we haven’t seen for so long. However, he isn’t feeling up to par, it is couple of hours travel each way, and my lack of snoozing doesn’t bode well for the drive either.

I also need to work on papers that, hopefully, will help me negotiate a solution to the existing dilemma on the business front. The consultant I met the other day confirmed my fears; something needs to be done, and rapidly. I briefly outlined the strict plan to my poor associate this afternoon. Although very distracted, he seemed to get the gist of it and reluctantly agreed. I can see no other way out of it, and I can’t help but feel that it’s kicking a man when he’s already down. However, my career and financial well-being are on the line too so, distasteful as it is, I will make every effort to have the plan accepted. It will take intricate preparation, and it has to be ready Monday morning. Fortunately, my sleeping habits, or lack of, make little difference. Computers and numbers don’t care if you use them in the middle of the night, LOL.

That being said, there was a very happy event this week; my sports-minded grandson has not only started high school, he also turned 13 on Wednesday. He’s my daughter’s youngest child. His mom gave him a cellular phone for his birthday, and he has already called me so that I could store his number on my own cell. His party was late this afternoon, and I stopped on the way home to give him his gift and birthday kiss. True to form, he and a number of his buddies were horsing around with scooters outside when I arrived; another grandson in constant movement. The party will end early, because he has his last soccer game tomorrow morning at 8:30, then is playing hockey at 4:30. The wonderful energy of youth!

Seeing words instead of numbers on my screen has been a nice break, but recess is over. I have some fresh tea biscuits, and I believe I’ll lather one with some of Justi’s Secret Kitchen fig jelly and give my taste buds a delicious treat before returning to the work at hand. Now that’s a definite SMILE!!

Have a good weekend, folks. Enjoy the autumn weather!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

En personne intelligente je vois que tu as consulté pour voir à la solution de tes problèmes et t'en sortir. Bravo, trois fois bravo. "Praise the Lord" . Je ne pense pas que ton associé soit une personne mal intentionnée vis-à-vis toi, mais tout simplement ne trouve pas le bon mot, mais je sais que tu comprends ce que j'essaie de dire. Hang in there kid. I know a lot of people are there rooting for you.