Saturday, September 25, 2010


Helen is an avid reader, but has never been to that huge, wonderful, bookstore called Chapters. For the longest time we’ve been planning to go together, and something would always come up, on her side or mine, so we never did make it. Lately she’s been having a rough time, and needs the break. I have $80.00 of gift certificates in my purse, and they have been crying out to be cashed in for the longest time…so today is the day. I’m picking her up at ten this morning and off to the city we go. For a couple of hours we will lose ourselves in that fascinating new-book smell, peeking into the imaginations of as many authors as we can before choosing the ones that most entice us. In my case it’s always a toss-up; there are too many. I have difficulty deciding on which to buy and which to leave for another shopping spree. Ah – if only all the decisions I need to make could be so joyful an experience!

It’s been a tough week. Long hours and stressful situations kept me from blogging, and I apologize to my regular readers. I know how disappointed I feel when Kilroy doesn’t post; it messes up my routine, LOL! However, I always end up writing what touches me emotionally at that moment, and there some things better left unsaid. Fortunately, I had a long chat with my Saskabush friend, Karen, last night, and it helped put my head on straight. She endured my venting, so now I can move on to more positive thinking. Thank you, Karen!

This is short, folks. I need to prepare for my excursion to Chapters, but I’ll come back in later today and write more. Have a good one – enjoy the beautiful fall colours that are so vivid in this morning’s sunshine! Sending you SMILES!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Il faudra que tu me dises qui est Helen, C'est la première fois que j'entends son nom. Content de lire que ton "spring" est à nouveau "crainké" et que çà va recommencer à "swinger". Moi aussi je dis merci à Karen si cette dernière a réussi à te donner un coup de pied dans le derrière qui t'a "booster" Je ne connais pas Karen mais elle a l'air du bon monde. Excuse mes fautes de français.