Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I’ve heard it said that it’s not what happens; it’s your reaction to what happens that counts. I believe it was a statement made by Tony Robbins – remember him? A motivational speaker and author? If he had been sitting in my office yesterday and even whispered such a thing, I would have cheerfully strangled him. Yesterday was one of those days one must chalk up to the epitome of ‘Murphy’s Law’ - anything that could go wrong, etc. I may one day look back on all this and laugh about it, but at this very moment, laughing is the furthest thing from my mind. Unless maybe I was choking Tony Robbins…..

To end the day on the same note, the HABS lost their 2nd game in the semi-finals. I was foolishly counting on that game to bring up my morale. Note that I DID say ‘foolishly’.

I’m kidding, of course. I know that each person is personally responsible for his/her own happiness – Robbins wasn’t wrong. Usually stress rolls off my back like water off a duck, and I can only guess that not getting enough sleep, and/or not taking enough time off, contributes to my present attitude. The age factor is probably there too. Molehills become mountains. What I need to do is pull on my hiking boots and prepare to climb, but I’m lacking effort. I’d rather get a stick of dynamite and blow those mountains right out of my way.

All that said and done, it’s the beginning of a new day. The agenda is full, and there is no time (nor point) to sit and fuss. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And my, isn’t this post just peppered with quotes? If I was handing this in as an English composition assignment, the teacher would no doubt slap it with a D-. Actually, that would fit right in – no use spoiling the present mood...

So I’ll end this in the same vein by saying if life hands you a bowl of lemons, pour the tequila and ask for some salt, LOL.

Did you notice? All it took was that thought to make me laugh. Things are looking up already. While still on the high, I’ll wish you all a great day, and send you my SMILE. Oh yeh, it’s there…I was still thinking about the tequila….

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

Disons que le ton est de beaucoup mieux qu'hier et demain sera encore mieux qu'aujourd'hui, je l'espère. A good fighter does not stay down very long. Atta girl , je sens déjà que le tigre en toi va exploser. You are a born fighter . Lâche pas la patate. Kilroy. xxx

Mike's Common Sense said...

So sorry about the Habs. I will be rooting for the Blackhawks in the final; I even bought a new hat! Be well. Much love, Mike