Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The coffee was not quite ready, so I stepped out on the gallery to get a better view of the sun rising. It was that space of time between dark and light called dawn. I nodded good morning to my mountain and my trees, and we stood silent together, absorbed by the call of loons – that plaintiff sound so memorable to anyone who ever hears it. Even the dogs were still as we listened; their ears high, tails twitching; waiting for me to make a move. My yawn broke the spell just as the first rays peeped over the tall fir trees. Grump-puppy spied something interesting near the apple tree and raced down the stairs, Bud close behind him. I watched for a second, then a whiff of fresh coffee floated out through the open door, enticing me to return inside. It was the beginning of a new day.

This morning the nurse who works in our Health Division Company will be driving into the city with me. She’s a very nice person, but also very chatty, a trait I’m not particularly fond of early in the day. My long AM drive is far more enjoyable when I can plan my day in my head, music in the background, without having to answer repeated questions, or comment on what is doing well and what isn’t. The positive note is that she’ll also be driving back with me tonight, which means we can take the left lane reserved for buses or taxis or cars sharing commuters. It saves at least a half hour of negotiating traffic, and the HABS second game in the semi-finales is televised as of 7 PM….need I say more?

I’ve already done a couple of hours work, had time to read Kilroy’s blog, my e-mail, looked in on Facebook, and now it’s time to dress and run. A good start, wouldn’t you say?

Hoping you have the occasion to use your SMILE throughout the day. I’m already wearing mine – and it’s a biggie!! Sending it out to you all….

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Hey Koolcat, je sens que cà va bien chez vous. À moins que je me trompe, le soleil du matin a accompli son oeuvre bienfaisante...la bonne humeur. Ne laisse pas ta compagne de route changer tout cà avec sa grande gueule. I guess news on the home front aren't too bad???? if you are smiling. Kilroy...xxx