Friday, January 8, 2010


Remember on my New Year’s Day post I mentioned all those messages that suddenly appeared in my Outlook? Some of them written in October? Well, there was more to it, and it only reinforces my belief that nothing is coincidence; everything happens for a reason. I explain here now, because I’m going to be asking for your help, friend readers, at the end of this post.

In the early part of last year I found a message in my Outlook from an unknown source. I immediately flushed it without reading it, because there was a nasty virus scare going around. A couple of months later, another message came in from the same source, but the subject line aroused my curiosity. There was an attachment, and I peeked to see what it was about. There I found what appeared to be a family newsletter, and as I read through it, I realized that it was a very NICE family! The newsletter was attractive, with clear pictures and well written humour and information. I could tell that whoever had created it had artistic talent. I also noticed that the writer had a daughter whose first name was the same as my own, so I supposed that this e-mail was meant for her; there had been a mix-up in address. However, it was nobody I knew, so I clicked ‘reply’ and sent it back to its origins, with a note that I had received it by error.

Among the numerous past-dated messages that suddenly appeared in my Outlook mailbox on New Year’s Day, there was one from the same couple. It was a Christmas greeting, including another newsletter, complete with pictures about their activities during the year 2009. (I was right about the artist part – one of the pictures was of the lady painting. You could see the easel, and it was quite good!). Worried that the intended recipient would miss out on this information, I decided to write back, explaining that this was not the first time, that I had enjoyed reading the newsletter, and wishing them all season’s greetings. This time I got an answer.

The lady told me that she verified her address book, and mine appeared nowhere on her list. Her daughter had received it too, so that was not the answer. She had not got my first reply, and was as curious as I was about the mystery of it all. Her response was chatty and warm. She added that she had no problem with me participating in the activities of her family and asked if I would send her a little information about myself. That was only fair – I knew so much about them now. We both decided that if this happened, it was meant to be, and our correspondence began. I have a new pen-pal!

This morning I opened my mail to find another message from her. Her husband has just come home from the hospital where he had a pacemaker installed. She fears that the medication he has been prescribed to alleviate the pain is being rejected by his system. She seemed very worried, and her words were: “If you are Christian, you might remember my husband in prayer…..if you have a prayer chain, you may put his name, Bill Ray, on it….” She signed it, Your mystery friend, and then her name.

I adhere to no specific religious group, but I do believe. I guess the term would be ‘spiritual’. I have already prayed and asked my angels to help out in anyway they should. It makes me wonder if this is what the repeated reception of her e-mails was leading up to – she was going to need our help, and the way was being prepared. Stranger things have happened.

So, my friends, whether you believe as I do or not, please humour me and add your prayers to mine, in whichever way you pray, for this nice, elderly couple. It only takes a moment. I know you will do it.

Have a good day – sending you a big, cheery SMILE with ‘Thank you’ written all over it! Send it on!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

I hesitated many moments before writing a comment.Wether you be a christian, a boudist, Geova withness, Islam,etc, same creator for all. If mon amie Koolcat asks me to chip in, I will do so and have a thought for this elderly couple and hope good things happen to them. Kilroy