Sunday, March 8, 2015


So – with all those intentions to get so much done this weekend, I have to report that most of those plans turned out to be only that…plans! Well, I did do the laundry, and a touch of dusting here and there, and of course I watched my Habs’ win their game on Saturday night, but those are the only things I can tick off my mental ‘To do list’ this Monday morning.
Bandit, my adopted cat, decided he would finally pull a dog routine and claim the attention he had missed during my week stay in the city. He was continually underfoot, mewling his complaints and/or joy at having me home. It was either kick him or cuddle him, and there is no contest really.

The phone was busy – Suzie from Detroit, my Cuban Suzie – and numerous texts from little Miko’s parents, the Rug rats (sent me a picture of the youngest wearing a Bruin’s shirt, young scoundrels!), other friends wondering how things were going, and to top it all, my daughter and little great granddaughter, Léna, spent Sunday morning here. She is 15 months old, running as fast as her chubby little legs can take her anywhere, and was quite intrigued by Bandit’s bell-balls. I hadn’t seen her for awhile, so we needed to catch up on hugging and kisses and fruit-loop snacking.

They were just leaving when Helen arrived, so more visiting. When she left, my son and I had a long distance discussion about the effects of mother’s nursing on a baby’s constipation...a good part of Sunday afternoon was used for research and discussion about the importance of baby pooping...or not, LOL!

Boring for some people, no doubt, but it is a huge part of my life, and one I would never think of exchanging for a high-stepping career. The perfect end to the weekend were the huge snowflakes playing and glittering under the gallery lights, a scene I enjoyed while relaxing in my Jacuzzi bubbles, the scent of Ocean breeze and the glass of red wine complimenting it all. The world may be in turmoil elsewhere, but here in the Bush life was good, so I am SMILING...and wanting to share it with y’all. Off it goes, soon to land on your doorstep. Any sent back to me will be treated with care!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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