Thursday, January 31, 2013


It has been raining for two days, and this morning the wind is banging the tin roof and bending the trees nearly double. I’m astonished that the power is still on. Not complaining, mind you, but it usually takes much less disturbance in the weather before it is lights out around here.

My driveway is glare ice; even the doggies use the snow banks on the side to move around. It was an amusing sight to watch their attempts at skating before they caught on. There is no way my truck will make it down or back up without that hill being well sanded...which will wash downhill anyway in this rain. It wouldn’t be a problem except I have run out of dog food – the bag has been empty since yesterday morning. The hounds are quite happy, because I’ve been feeding them people meals; toast and chicken and cooked veggies, all mixed in with milk bone and their marrow bone treats. Needless to say I don’t have to coax them to lick their bowls clean!

The rug rats’ daddy is back from Alberta. None of us knew he was coming home until he got here, and I suspected immediately that he had quit his job out there; I doubted that the Company allowed a 3 week work period. My son confirmed it during a very short conversation a couple of days ago. It seems that, during his absence, his lady succumbed to burnout and has not been working either; something else of which none of us were aware. The rug rats were ecstatic to have him back, of course, and probably more so since he plans on finding something locally so that he can be with his family. Hopefully, now that he’s here, I’ll be seeing the boys soon. Any calls from them stopped immediately when Daddy left to go back out west the last time.

Ah – hydro has flashed off and on now more than once, so I’ll finish this up and post it before I lose it altogether. My water buckets are already full, and wood brought upstairs, so I’m actually ahead of the game. Practice makes perfect!

Another thing – so far the timing for power outages has been perfect. I haven’t missed one hockey game because of it yet, and that makes me SMILE!!

Sharing it with you, folks! Today it’s riding on the wind!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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