Wednesday, January 16, 2013


For as long as I can remember, Morpheus and I have been waging an ongoing battle. That elusive dream giver will show up right on time some nights, but I do believe he is aging, or maybe smoking some of that wacky tobaccy. More and more often he will forget where I live until quite late in the evening, then he keeps getting up and wandering off. Sometimes I wait in vain for he doesn’t make an appearance at all! Last night was one of those times.

I am used to this kind of thing, but I find that my ability to cope with it, at least where my work is concerned, lessens as time goes on, A drowsy, fogged mind is not ideal when trying to balance columns of numbers. I certainly appreciate being able to work from home; having to commute in that state would be downright dangerous! My fortune extends to the type of job I have too. Ledgers and journals don’t distinguish whether it is three o’clock in the afternoon or in the morning.

However, I just don’t FEEL like working in the middle of the night. There’s the slight problem that the clients I do have are quite chipper in the daytime, and I need to answer in kind. Or unplug my phone, not at all good for business.

So what DO I do in the middle of the night? I work a little; take care of some light housework (although that is restricted now that I have tenants living downstairs); read, write, reflect, wander around admiring or listing my wish-list of renovations to be done in my house, stand and gaze out the windows at the gorgeous view nature provides here, sometimes dress and take walks over silent snow-covered roads with the doggies – in short, I enjoy my quiet time immensely. If I could snooze whenever I needed during the day, I would be delighted with the night-owl status!

I know I am not alone. I hear about others who find themselves wide awake when they should prefer snoozing. Do they secretly relish it too, I wonder?

There is something about the peace, the down time, the absence of phone or knocks or being EXPECTED to be busy; your own little world where you bask in solitude...... until you get frustrated because you have to be up and alert the next morning!

The truth? It really doesn’t bother me that much anymore that I may not be so quick and bright in my activities, be it for work or recreation. I figure I’m getting things done, I have earned the time to slow down and smell the roses, and frustration is slowly easing its way out of my vocabulary. My calm, day-dreamy nights are worth it.

And that makes me SMILE. It’s genuine, and there’s enough to go around for all of us – so it’s up and away. It will be beside you in a tail’s shake!

Luv from the bush in Quebec.

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