Friday, August 24, 2012


We have been sick – the two youngest rug rats and me. Runny noses, fever, cough....that icky thing that you can do nothing about really except endure and wait it out. When my son mentioned not going into work, I told him there was no problem...I’ve done this before. Staying up with sick kids is a part of every mother’s life. Right. Except that was a few years ago, and I’m a grandmother now.

Wow – it was tough! There were l-o-o-n-g nights, with the baby waking up every other hour and crying because he felt so rough, and a granny feeling just as rough trying to comfort him. During the day the three of them were at home; no-one sends sick children to daycare. There wasn’t much sleep so we were all cranky....but we did survive.

Smooch wasn’t helping any – he was so fed up being restrained to the gallery, no matter how big it is. If anyone happened to let him in while the kids were still up he would be all over them, frightening in his intensity to play, jumping around to burn energy. This morning, after taking the younger rug rats to daycare (they were feeling better finally), my son and Nalou and I did the trip to the vet for stitch removal. That pup howled and lamented for the whole drive in, and it took someone as strong as my son to hold him during the short procedure. During the ride back home he lay on my knee, exhausted simply by his emotions, His first run outside was thrilling. We watched him go, laughing at his antics. His attitude changed immensely, thankfully!

Tonight my son left with the boys to spend a bit of time at his dad’s chalet, telling me to take a good dose of cold medicine and get some rest. Oh my, but yes! No matter how I miss them when they are not here, it was due! I’m heading off to bed immediately after I post this. It is not a moment too soon!

But we all made it – a hurdle passed – so we’re SMILING!!!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

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