Wednesday, August 15, 2012


My youngest Rug Rat

The boys were all up, breakfast had been cleared away, and each of them was doing his own little thing before our drive to daycare. I decided to use the quiet time to get dressed. I went into my bedroom, leaving the doors open so that I could hear them, and stripped off my pyjamas. Undies and jeans were on, and I had just picked up my bra when I heard a noise beside me. I looked around to find Tao, the youngest rug rat, standing there watching me. There were never scruples about dressing in front of my own kids; it will be the same for the grandchildren. I continued what I was doing, but flashed him a huge grin, saying “Hello, my love!”

He smiled back shyly, then pointed to me without saying a word. His finger was up, then timidly pulled back, then pointing again. I looked down to follow his line of sight. Uh-huh, as I thought – it was breasts that drew his attention. Each of the boys had been nursed by Mommy, and for little Tao, who has just turned two, that time was not so long ago. No wonder he zeroed in on that part of my anatomy! I am, however, rather more endowed than his mother.

"Big, huh?” I teased him now. He nodded. I had finished fastening the bra, and was pulling on my shirt.

“Yep – Mummy was lunch,” I winked at him. “Mémère is a banquet!”

Although I’m sure he couldn’t understand what I was saying, he did realize that we were sharing a joke, and he laughed in delight. I closed the last button, and held out my hand. He put his chubby little paw in mine, and we both SMILED as we returned to join his brothers.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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