Monday, August 6, 2012


It’s done. My son brought me the rug rats in the early afternoon before joining his lady for the inevitable discussion. He came back home 4 hours later, relief apparent on his face; the pain was evident too. They both concluded that trying again would have maybe been an option if no children were involved.

This is the second time that she has asked him to leave within the past year, then changed her mind, and each time it was for the same reason; she felt she was losing herself in the relationship, she was confused, not sure what she wanted exactly. The whole family pays the note, and Jo was not willing that his boys go through it again, especially with a very good chance it would keep happening. Realizing that she is still not clear in her feelings, that the promise to change her character would be impossible to keep, and for the sake of her children’s emotional health, she agreed with his decision. The details for custody and property will be worked out later. In the meantime, the boys will be spending the weeks with us, and the weekends with their mom.

The separation is amicable on all fronts. Our family cares deeply for the girl, but right from the start it was obvious that she and Jo were very different. She is a talented artist, and her nature is as sweet as her appearance is beautiful .She is however an introvert, slightly egocentric and, having been sheltered by her parents, lacking the experience and assurance that many women of her age have long acquired.

My son was raised in a home where people were coming and going on a regular basis, learned early that sharing is a must, friends were important, and to “stand on your own two feet – you will tumble, but you get back up!” He knew who he was by the time he was 20; she has just now taken her first tentative step on the road to self discovery.

It was a classic case of opposites attract; the question was the length of time the attraction would hold. Ten years later the strong physical magnetism is not sufficient. When the going gets rough, something much deeper is needed...and it’s not there.

All endings are sad, but with each ending there is a new beginning. I am sure that, with time, she will find within herself a lovely person full of potential, and hopefully a partner with similar tastes and ideals.

As for my son? There is a discernible ease of tension in his movements. I hear him singing and laughing as he plays with the boys, and his charming little grin made an appearance this morning. He took his tumble, and is on his way back up. Someone, somewhere will be waiting for him too.

So his Mama is SMILING.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec

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