Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Wouldn’t you know it? I spent hours waiting to be seen at the hospital last night, and then they called my name 15 minutes after I got fed up and went home. Dawna’s daughter, Dee, was there with her son. She let me know on Facebook this morning how my lack of patience is going to make me do the waiting thing all over again unless I go and pay through the nose at a private clinic. Which I expect will happen. My foot has been hurting for a few days – it feels like there is a fracture in there somewhere. It is swollen and throbbing like a toothache – not enough to scream, but highly annoying, especially when I take my shoe off and it starts to throb – felt most, of course, when I get into bed for much needed rest. Bah! Humbug!

There have been some major alterations on my horizon since I last blogged; in fact, the events have been the reason I HAVEN’T been blogging. They taught us in the old schools that if you can’t say anything good, say nothing at all. Not quite the thing today, is it? If it was, most journalists would be unemployed.

One change is the arrival of my new grandson. He has joined his two older brothers at home now, and all is well. And that is about the only GOOD thing that has happened lately.

There have been problems on the home front for some time now, and they had finally escalated to where some drastic action was necessary. Add to that some risky business decisions causing an ongoing crisis at work; and having to watch my beloved Bud deteriorate day after day…Damn! I have all the makings of a perfect country-western song…losing my love, losing my job, losing my dog…. Except I definitely CAN’T sing – or hold a tune even. There’s a thought. Maybe I could get paid just to shut up, LOL.

Eh, bien. From years of experience I know that things have a way of eventually working out. I can think of many who are dealing with worse issues, so I’ll chalk it up to a bad time and enjoy this beautiful summer weather. Now there’s something I can SMILE about!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

You opened a door , but very little in the description of your daily activities. The pain on your foot looks like "La goutte". Go on the internet to see if the description fits. A friend of mine has it and the pain is neutralized with medication. I know it hurts like hell. Now you take care. Kilroy

polichon said...

A blog can always be discovered. The trick is not to mention names on the blog that can be associated to some event. This done, security is effective.