Wednesday, June 23, 2010


A while back there was a message doing the rounds in e-mail about the meaning of ‘true friend’. It was amusing, but there was an element of truth in it too. You may remember it? One said something like “A good friend will bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying “Damn, that was fun!”. These came to mind as I was sitting on my gallery last night, musing about recent events in my life. I came up with another ‘friend’ saying. Though definitely not amusing, it fits the bill in today’s world. Here it is:
A good friend will try to convince you to quit ruining your life; a true friend will take drastic measures to MAKE you quit.

The increasing popularity of instant gratification is scary. It’s the first step on a road to constant searching for bigger, better, best with a frightening disregard for the consequences of always getting exactly what one wants, exactly whenever one wants it. It defeats the building of character, plays havoc with out economy (i.e.: credit-card debt) and it’s the backbone of the enormous and terrible cocaine/crack industry. The scum selling the drug are getting rich because of the users’ need for instant gratification.

‘Live and let live’ is admirable – until it becomes ‘Live and let die’. Whether it be family or friend, an addict’s decent into hell is horrible to watch. The full spectrum of emotions is there; anger, heartbreak, despair…and the list goes on. Help is out there, but not always accepted. So what does one do?

Sometimes one has to become a ‘true friend’.

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

Je sens de la tristesse dans ces lignes . Il faut lire entre les lignes et essayer de comprendre . Je présume que tu as été debout une partie de la nuit pour pondre ce beau texte . Je te trouve pas mal forte de résister à tous ces contretemps, et comme toujours réussir à t'en sortir, même en nageant contre courant,...Kilr

polichon said...

J'ai lu et relu ton blog tout en essayant de comprendre. Je sens que quelqu'un t'a fait mal . La cause la drogue ou la boisson. Difficile pour moi de comprendre, je n'ai jamais vécu ces problèmes. Ce fut du matériel pour me faire réfléchir et émettre une idée sur mon blog. Kilr