Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It’s early AM, there is one mother of a thunderstorm going on out here, and I doubt I’ll be able to post. My satellite modem is not looking too stable. It keeps flashing off, then on, then off again. The rain pounding on the tin roof is a dull roar, and I have a big, brave pit-bull dogging every step I take; it’s Mistress’s turn to be the protector, LOL!

I hope the same weather is happening in our forests north of here; it could only help our firemen in their brave and exhausting fight. It breaks my heart to think of losing all those beautiful trees, the animals, the people having to evacuate their homes. Yesterday there was a grey haze over the city, most of the southern province, in fact, and one could smell the smoke everywhere. At last news 8 fires are still out of control, and 109,000 hectares have already been lost to the flames. What a pity.

This morning’s headlines would change the mood of even a most cheerful person. Disaster following disaster. The only good thing to read was the Hawks taking out the Flyers for a second round last night, and even that depends on which team you’ve placed your bets. I didn’t watch the game, opting for an early night instead. I didn’t read all the AM news either; no need to pursue tragedy. Kilroy’s blog gives me a much better frame of mind for the day.

Speaking of which, it is time to get a move on. Traffic is going to be slow, but I refuse to complain about the rain. It is much needed and appreciated. Besides, I’ve got this new double Jesse Cook CD to help me groove all the way to the city.

Have a good one, folks, wherever you be! Don’t forget that your SMILE can be as bright as any sun, so make someone’s day!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

"Life is like a bicycle". I like that one, and I would like to read it. Where on facebook?. Glad to read that you are catching up on your sleep. The best thing to do on a vacation is to get out of town where no one can reach you. Whoever is in charge in your absence should take their responsibilities and make their own decisions. Otherwise they are not fit to manage. Is that not well said. ? Will you listen to me? Kilroy