Monday, June 28, 2010


I haven’t been working since last Wednesday, with the exception of a few hours done on Friday morning from a client’s office and, of course, a telephone call here and there. It was a necessity. I badly needed a break on all three counts; physically and emotionally and intellectually. I intend to do the same this week – work the first two days in the office, then hide out until after our Confederation celebration.

The days off were well spent. I slept sporadically, but whenever I felt like it. In spite of my sore foot, I took solitary short walks in the lane with the doggies. I did some overdue cleaning, caught up with friends, and, most importantly, cooked for and entertained my children.

Taking the time to reflect on where I was, where I am, and where I’m going, was overdue. One way of ignoring your own needs is by drowning yourself in work. That’s my way of procrastinating; of putting off decisions needed on the personal front. You’d have thought that, at my age, I would know it eventually catches up to you. Well, I did know, but it was too easy to use work as excuse. It’s more sociably acceptable than hiding out in alcohol, or medication, or partying. Unfortunately, it can be as damaging. Those demons have to be faced sooner or later, and time waits on no-one. The short story of life is being written while I muddle around. Girl, grab the pen before it runs out of ink!

Serious thoughts this morning, aren’t they? I guess it’s to be expected at 3: AM in the morning, LOL.

I need to stop at the garage for new brake installation, but they have reserved a car for me, so I’ll be heading to the office and pick up my now-safe-to-drive vehicle at the end of the day. Fran is helping out by driving Bird to the Cancer Clinic for his scan this morning.

It’s raining out there, but a soft, gentle sound it is. One can practically hear the grass growing as it drinks. It looks like Kilroy won’t be the only one needing to mow his lawn. And mine is HUGE! But that’s okay - the smell of fresh-cut grass makes up for the labor involved.

It’s time to go. Wishing you all a great day, folks. Throw those SMILES out and about – it’s for sure somebody, somewhere, will need one!

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.


polichon said...

J'ai l'impression que mon amie Heckles ne file pas pantoute pour la voir prendre des jours de congé, ce n'est pas dans son tempérament. Take care and patch tous ces petits bobos.

polichon said...

J'ai lu, relu, et essaye de comprendre ce qui se cache entre les lignes. Je ne suis pas certain d'être un bon lecteur, mais si les évènements récents te forcent à prendre congé, ce doit être sérieux. Ne lâche pas. Tu as toujours réussi à t'en sortir. Un arc en ciel va apparaît toujours après un gros orage.