Tuesday, October 27, 2009


When my daughter told us she had met a ‘cute guy’ on the internet, I was probably less sceptic than many. I have at least three very close friends who met their significant others the same way, not counting my cuz Wicked Wendy, who may never have found her Rob without the ‘net’, and he’s the perfect person for her. Sure, we hear horror stories, and one needs to be careful and do some research. I was still inclined to believe that cyber-initiated relationships have just as good, if not better, chance at lasting than those formed with the usual methods of wining and dining. Through written correspondence, you tend to glean a pretty accurate idea of character, unless the person is a downright schmoozer. Then, as in anything else, it is good to fall back on the old adage: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

As Shan’s interest grew, she wisely asked her ‘cute guy’ if she could be his friend on Facebook. Good move. Trying to hide your real identity in the Facebook community is near to impossible. That thing is like a small town! Someone is sure to know you, be related to you, love you, hate you, post some embarrassing humour about you, or put up the worst picture they can find of you…just for a tease. Everything K (the ‘cute guy’) had told her seemed authentic. He has been single for awhile, shared child custody, had a job, and enjoyed fun times with good friends. The picture he had put up on the contact site matched those shown on Facebook. On to Step 3 – the exchange of phone numbers.

A date and time was set for the call. My daughter giggled more than once over the dire predictions, complete with hilarious imitations, from her own group of cronies – no matter how masculine he looks, a high, squeaky voice would be a definite turn off, she was told. We all held our breath until the day arrived, and each of us waited impatiently until the call was over and she reported that he had sounded great, so there! LOL.

Step 4 – Because he lives a good distance from here, the actual physical meeting was set for two months later, and the countdown began. My daughter hangs out with a huge circle of close friends, many of whom she has known since kindergarten. Each morning she would post on Facebook the number of days remaining until the big event. We all got into the spirit of the thing, counting down with her. The infatuated couple chatted either by phone or Messenger at least once a day, and the plans were that he fly into the city, Shan would pick him up at the airport, and he would spend 2 days at her house. As the day loomed closer however, I began to feel a bit uneasy about it all. Mom was getting cold feet.

(Sorry folks – I’ll have to continue this later. I need to beat rush hour. Sending you a SMILE – hope it makes your day brighter!)

Luv from the Bush in Quebec.

1 comment:

polichon said...

Good for her. Internet did not exist in my time. I would have been the type to go on Facebook. We had to be introduced to makes things proper, and the mother in law almost insisted for a letter of reference from the curé, I guess members of my gang are the only ones old enough to remember that era .Internet helps save time.(LOL).